Periodicals Books

Showing: 1251-1260 results of 1453

by: Various
GEORGE SAND, IN THE MEMOIRS OF CHATEAUBRIAND. George Sand is about to publish a book called "Memoirs of my Life," which is looked for with great expectations by both the admirers of her genius and the lovers of scandalous gossip. It is certain that if she makes a clean breast of her adventures and experiences, the world will have reason both for admiration and disgust over the confessions:... more...

by: Various
The LORGNETTE, the cleverest book of its kind (we were about to write, since the days of Addison, but to avoid possible disagreement say)—since IRVING and PAULDING gave us Salmagundi, is still coming before us at agreeable intervals, and will soon be issued in a brace of volumes illustrated by DARLEY. The Author keeps his promises, given in the following paragraphs some time ago: "It would be... more...

by: Various
LITERARY COTERIES IN PARIS IN THE LAST CENTURY. The revolutions of society are almost as sure if not as regular as those of the planets. The inventions of a generation weary after a while, but they are very likely to be revived if they have once ministered successfully to pleasure or ambition. The famous coteries in which learning was inter-blended with fashion in the golden age of French intelligence,... more...

My Lord, After having long celebrated the superior graces and excellences among men, in an imaginary character, I do myself the honour to show my veneration for transcendent merit, under my own name, in this address to your lordship. The just application of those high accomplishments of which you are master, has been an advantage to all your fellow subjects; and it is from the common obligation you... more...

Introduction When the first number of the Tatler appeared in 1709, Steele and Addison were about thirty-seven years of age, while Swift, then still counted among the Whigs, was more than four years their senior. Addison and Steele had been friends at the Charterhouse School and at Oxford, and though they had during the following years had varying experiences, their friendship had in no way lessened.... more...

by: Various
Unsocial Investments   The “new social conscience” is essentially a class phenomenon. While it pretends to the rôle of inner monitor and guide to conduct for all mankind, it interprets good and evil in class terms. It manifests a special solicitude for the welfare of one social group, and a mute hostility toward another. Labor is its Esau, Capital its Jacob. Let strife arise between workingmen... more...

Current History The Maine disaster is to the public almost as much of a mystery as ever. Little of absolutely reliable information has been made known, and until something is officially stated by the court of inquiry, judgment must be suspended. The court of inquiry began the investigation almost immediately after its arrival at Havana. The sittings were held on the lighthouse tender Mangrove, and... more...

"ONE PIECE" These covers fit perfectly all sizes of books. They are all ready for use—properly gummed—and do not have to be cut. They are made of a special paper, manufactured exclusively for these covers, which is admitted to be the best for wear, and also for cleanliness, as it is glazed and cannot readily be soiled. They are not easily torn, for when adjusted to a book all exposed edges... more...

As we go to press there is an uncertain feeling resulting from the departure of our cruiser for Cuban waters. It may provoke a crisis, or it may lead to a better knowledge of the true attitude of the administration toward Spain. Cuba continues to furnish us with its share of current history; the news is no more encouraging than that of previous weeks, however. In the East the situation has not... more...

A Song of LifeBy MARGARET W. MORLEY. With illustrationsof flowers, fishes, frogs, birds, etc., set in the text.12mo, $1.25. "It describes with artistic delicacy the transmission of that wonderful thing called life in both the plant and animal existence. The difficult subject is treated with such intelligence and charm of manner that children may read it with interest, and parents need have no fear... more...