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The Garden in October October is a fine time to plant every kind of "bulb, root and tuber," also all deciduous plants and shrubs, except those with thin bark or thick, fleshy roots (e.g., birch magnolia). Clean up and burn diseased plants, manure the garden, plow it and leave it all winter. Burn asparagus tops and manure the bed. Also make new asparagus and rhubarb beds and plant sets of extra...
THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT No. 169, For the Week ending March 29, 1879. Price 10 cents. For sale by all newsdealers. I. ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS.—The Herreshoff Torpedo Boat, recently built at Bristol, R. I., for the British Government. The novelties in the placing of the screw, etc. The Peculiar Boiler. 4 figures.—Improved Hopper Steam Dredger. 2 figures.—The St. Gothard Tunnel.—The...
THE MAN WHO WOULD. II.—THE MAN WHO WOULD PLAY GOLF. Bulger was no cricketer, no tennis-player, no sportsman, in fact. But his Doctor recommended exercise and fresh air. "And I'm thinking, Sir," he added, "that you cannot do better than just take yourself down to St. Andrews, and put yourself under Tom Morris." "Is he a great Scotch physician?" asked Bulger; "I...
MURRAY BRADSHAW PLAYS HIS LAST CARD. "How can I see that man this evening, Mr. Lindsay?" "May I not be Clement, dearest? I would not see him at all, Myrtle. I don't believe you will find much pleasure in listening to his fine speeches." "I cannot endure it. Kitty, tell him I am engaged, and cannot see him this evening. No, no! don't say engaged, say very much...
r Wilson Eyre, Jr., in an article in The Architectural Review for January, which has been alluded to in our issue for October, and from which we have borrowed the three charming illustrations reproduced from his drawings, speaks as follows of English domestic architecture: “There is much to be seen from the railroad in the way of long rambling farmhouses and country houses of the modest kind, and...
A great deal of interest is being taken in the affairs of Cuba at this time. So many reports reached President McKinley of the sufferings of many of our citizens who are living in Cuba, that he felt it his duty to look into the matter, and he has sent a message to Congress on the subject. The cause of the new trouble is this. Some months ago General Weyler, thinking that the country people supplied the...
Characters.Sir Poshbury Puddock (a haughty and high-minded Baronet). Verbena Puddock (his Daughter). Lord Bleshugh (her Lover). Spiker (a needy and unscrupulous Adventurer). Blethers (an ancient and attached Domestic). ACT I.—Scene—The Morning Room, at Natterjack Hall, Toadley-le-Hole; large window open at back, with heavy practicable sash. EnterBlethers. Blethers. Sir Poshbury's birthday...
This nice little French drama has now been running at the FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE more than seven weeks. It is the story of a man who killed the seducer of his wife, and then forgave and received back again the guilty woman. The same tragic farce was played in Washington some eleven years ago. The actor who played the part of the outraged husband made an effective hit at the time, but he has never...
OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATIONPresidentW. S. LintonSaginaw, MichiganVice-PresidentJames S. McGlennonRochester, New YorkSecretary and TreasurerWillard G. BixbyBaldwin, Nassau Co., New YorkActing SecretaryW. C. DemingWilton, ConnecticutCOMMITTEES Auditing—C. P. Close, C. A. ReedExecutive—J. Russell Smith, W. C. Reed and the OfficersFederal Aid—J. M. Patterson, R. T. Morris, J. H. Kellogg,T. P....
APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING GASEOUS OR AERATED BEVERAGES. The apparatus employed at present for making gaseous beverages are divided into two classes—intermittent apparatus based on chemical compression, and continuous ones based on mechanical compression. The first are simple in appearance and occupy small space, but their use is attended with too great inconveniences and losses to allow them to be...