Classics Books

Showing: 5321-5330 results of 6965

CHAPTER I. ANCESTRY AND FAMILY. Byron's life was passed under the fierce light that beats upon an intellectual throne. He succeeded in making himself—what he wished to be—the most notorious personality in the world of letters of our century. Almost every one who came in contact with him has left on record various impressions of intimacy or interview. Those whom he... more...

I She did not wish any supper and she sank forgetfully back into the stately oak chair. One of her hands lay palm upward on her white lap; in the other, which drooped over the arm of the chair, she clasped a young rose dark red amid its leaves—an inverted torch of love. Old-fashioned glass doors behind her reached from a high ceiling to the floor; they had been thrown open and the curtains looped... more...

CHAPTER I.   Last noon beheld them full of lusty life,  Last eve in Beauty's circle proudly gay,  The midnight brought the signal sound of strife,  The morn the marshalling in arms--the day  Battle's magnificently stern array!  The thunder clouds close o'er it, which when rent  The earth is covered thick with other clay,  Which her own clay shall cover, heaped and... more...

Scene: Dr. Peacock's house. Flem Truly, Dr. Peacock, you're a clever man. I've been a pharmacist for twenty-five years and never met a doctor who practiced medicine like you. Peacock Indeed, no other doctor of my acquaintance has penetrated nature as deeply as I have. But I don't like to praise myself; I can't stand flattery. I want you to come home with me to discuss an... more...

IN THE FOREST "Do you think we'll bag a deer to-day, Henry?" "I'll tell you better about that when we are on our way home, Dave. I certainly saw the hoof-prints down by the salt lick this morning. That proves they can't be far off. My idea is that at least three deer are just beyond the lower creek, although I may be mistaken." "I'd like to get a shot at... more...

Olfactory Region Alary cartilage.—The anterior end of the alary cartilage (al. c., ) lies within the posterior concavity of the alary process(al. proc.,) of the premaxillary (pmax.). In posterior sections the cartilage assumes a dorsolateral position (), ventral and slightly lateral to the tectum nasi. The alary cartilage remains narrowly separated from the tectum nasi but fuses ventromedially with... more...

POEMS THE POET'S SECRET. The poet's secret I must know,If that will calm my restless mind.I hail the seasons as they go,I woo the sunshine, brave the wind. I scan the lily and the rose,I nod to every nodding tree,I follow every stream that flows,And wait beside the steadfast sea. I question melancholy eyes,I touch the lips of women fair:Their lips and eyes may make me wise,But what I seek for... more...

CHAPTER I. "Where shall I sign my name?" Veronica Serra's thin, dark fingers rolled the old silver penholder nervously as she sat at one end of the long library table, looking up at the short, stout man who stood beside her. "Here, if you please, Excellency," answered Lamberto Squarci, with an affable smile. His fingers were dark, too, but not thin, and they were smooth and dingy... more...

The Function of Legal Philosophy For twenty-four hundred years—from the Greek thinkers of the fifth century B. C., who asked whether right was right by nature or only by enactment and convention, to the social philosophers of today, who seek the ends, the ethical basis and the enduring principles of social control—the philosophy of law has taken a leading rôle in all study of human institutions.... more...

CHAPTER I THE BOYS OF OAK HALL "Hello, Dave; where are you bound?" "For the river, Phil. I am going out for a row. Want to come along?" "That suits me," answered Phil Lawrence, throwing down the astronomy he had been studying. "But I can't stay out late," he added, reaching for his cap. "Got two examples in algebra to do. Have you finished up?"... more...