Spirituality Books

Showing: 41-48 results of 48

Ramayana finds its place within the Itihasa section of the Hindu corpus. Although Itihasa literally implies history, a more appropriate interpretation would be legends. The way we comprehend history today is not the same as how ancient people used to recount past events. They were more inclined towards legends. The tale of Rama was initially composed by Valmiki, though it likely existed within the... more...

In the arena of spirituality, there are unique and remarkable spiritual people who have achieved the highest levels of spiritual development. Some remain in seclusion, while others become spiritual teachers who support the spiritual transformation of humanity. But to meet a Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge), and to access their spiritual power to achieve spiritual enlightenment, is extremely... more...

Wenn ein Mensch leidet, geschieht das auf Grund seiner eigenen Fehler. Wenn ein Mensch glücklich ist, ist das die Belohnung für seine guten Taten. Aber das Gesetz der Welt beschuldigt den Nimit (der scheinbar ’Handelnde’ – derjenige, der das Leiden verursacht). Gottes Gesetz, das Wahre Gesetz, findet den wahren Schuldigen. Dieses Gesetz ist exakt und niemand kann es jemals ändern. Es gibt kein... more...

“Aptavani 2” is the second in a series of spiritual books titled “Aptavani”. In this series, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions of spiritual seekers. Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “What are the benefits of the different types of religion?”, “How do I understand spirituality vs. religion?”, “What are... more...

In den Schriften heißt es, dass es in der heutigen Zeit nicht möglich ist,endgültige Befreiung direkt von dieser unserer Welt aus zu erlangen. Ein Weg über MahavidehKshetra(eine Welt in einem anderen Universum) ist jedoch seit langer Zeit offen. Man muss sich nach MahavidehKshetra begeben, und nachdem man den Darshan (die Verehrung) des dort lebenden Tirthankaras (des vollkommen Erleuchteten), Shri... more...

Aqueles que procuram levar uma vida espiritual podem ficar curiosos quanto ao que é ahimsa (não violência), e inspirados a praticá-la. Mas entender como viver sem violência não é tão simples quanto parece, e praticar nenhuma violência na vida diária pode rapidamente se tornar desconcertante. Para alguém que está começando a cultivar a não-violência, as interações diárias podem até... more...

Die Menschen streiten darüber, was in der Religion "meins" und "deins" ist. Um solche Streitigkeiten in Schach zu halten, gibt es das Trimantra. Wenn man die grundlegende Bedeutung des Trimantras (glückverheißendes Gebet) versteht, wird man erkennen, dass es kein Mantra ist, das ausschließlich für eine bestimmte Religion, Sekte oder Abteilung einer Religion gilt. Die Ehrerbietung im... more...

It is with great pride and reverence that we present the timeless epic, the Mahabharata, translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli, in this EPUB edition. This monumental work, originally composed in Sanskrit, holds an unparalleled position in the annals of world literature, and Ganguli’s translation is a pivotal contribution that has made this treasure accessible to English-speaking readers around the globe.... more...