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Spirituality Books
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In the book “Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Right Understanding”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers unique insight into the definition of celibacy and the benefits of brahmacharya. He clarifies common misunderstandings about celibacy, answering questions such as: “How do you define celibacy?”, “What are the spiritual reasons for abstinence from sex, and what are the...
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges in their sincere pursuit of spirituality and practice. As spiritual development progresses, facing the many unintentional mistakes made through mind, speech, and conduct become disconcerting. Naturally one begins to wonder, “How to forgive and forget in unhealthy relationships?”, “How to forgive yourself - both for mistakes of the...
Warum spiegelt unser Verhalten die Religion und die religiösen Praktiken nicht wider, obwohl wir uns so sehr damit befassen? Bist du nicht auch frustriert und verwirrt darüber? Was ist der Grund dafür? Param Pujya Dadashri (Meister der spirituellen Wissenschaft) hat das Geheimnis hinter dieser Verwirrung geklärt. Er sagt, dass jedes Verhalten und jede Verhaltensweise ein Ergebnis der Ursachen aus...
In dem Buch "Tod - Davor, Währenddessen und Danach" spricht Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan uralte, unbeantwortete Fragen zu Tod und Sterben an. Param Pujya Dadashri bietet tiefgründige Antworten aufFragen wie: "Was ist der Tod?". "Was sind die Stadien des Sterbens und die Zeichen des Todes?". "Was passiert, wenn du stirbst?". "Gibt es ein Leben nach dem Tod und kannst du...
As religiões desse mundo preservam o conhecimento e protegem os segredos dos antigos e poderosos mantras. No coração da religião desse mundo, e entre os mantras mais poderosos da história da religião, está o mantra Navkar, ou Trimantra. No livro “Trimantra”, Gnani Purush (personificação do autoconhecimento) Dada Bhagwan explica o Trimantra, seu significado e os benefícios extraordinários...
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life will naturally ask themselves how to progress in spirituality, and how to live spiritual values. Must one somehow transcend good and bad, right and wrong? When does one’s spiritual development truly begin? By enlightened definition, the foundation of a spiritual life is a faultless worldview; and to achieve such vision, Self realization is required. In the book...
Aqueles que procuram levar uma vida espiritual podem ficar curiosos quanto ao que é ahimsa (não violência), e inspirados a praticá-la. Mas entender como viver sem violência não é tão simples quanto parece, e praticar nenhuma violência na vida diária pode rapidamente se tornar desconcertante. Para alguém que está começando a cultivar a não-violência, as interações diárias podem até...
“Aptavani 5” is the fifth in a series of spiritual books titled “Aptavani”. In this series, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions of spiritual seekers. Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “What is the meaning of karma?”, “How can I master the law of karma?”, “Who am I, and who is the ‘Doer’ (ego...
There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. Life circumstances can appear terribly unjust. Naturally we question, “Why me? Am I wrong? It’s not my fault!, Why do bad things happen to good people?” Added to the many problems in everyday life, these situations can feel like the very definition of suffering. We may conclude that there is no...
Wenn ein Mensch leidet, geschieht das auf Grund seiner eigenen Fehler. Wenn ein Mensch glücklich ist, ist das die Belohnung für seine guten Taten. Aber das Gesetz der Welt beschuldigt den Nimit (der scheinbar ’Handelnde’ – derjenige, der das Leiden verursacht). Gottes Gesetz, das Wahre Gesetz, findet den wahren Schuldigen. Dieses Gesetz ist exakt und niemand kann es jemals ändern. Es gibt kein...