Sermons Books

Showing: 51-54 results of 54

INTRODUCTION.—An ancient writer informs us that when the Egyptians named their Greatest God who was over all, they cried thrice, "Darkness! Darkness! Darkness!" And when we come to speak of the great mystery of the Holy Trinity, the utmost we can do is to repeat their cry, and say, "Darkness! Darkness! Darkness! In the name of the Father—Darkness, and of the Son—Darkness; and of the... more...

Die skrywer, ‘n gesoute dosent en bybelskool-leier, gaan voort om te studeer en hoop in die harte van gretige lesers te vestig. Met meer as 14 jaar ondervinding en drie jaar se navorsing, is ‘n volledige studiegids oor die hele lewe van Jesus Christus saamgestel om te leer oor die Skepper en Verlosser Jesus Christus op ‘n manier wat u Sy hele omgewing sou laat proe, voel, en ruik. Maak gereed om... more...

SERMON I. Reverence in Worship. "Samuel ministered before the Lord, being a child, girded with a linen ephod."—1 Samuel ii. 18. Samuel, viewed in his place in sacred history, that is, in the course of events which connect Moses with Christ, appears as a great ruler and teacher of his people; this is his prominent character. He was the first of the prophets; yet, when we read the sacred... more...

The author, a seasoned lecturer and Bible school leader, continues to study and instill hope in the hearts of eager readers. With more than 14 years of experience and three years of research, a complete study guide on the entire life of Jesus Christ has been compiled to learn about the Creator and Savior Jesus Christ in a way that would make you taste, feel, and smell His entire environment. Get ready... more...