Prayer Books

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PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE FOURTH PART Twelve years have elapsed since the period at which the third part of the Narrative of the Lord's dealings with me closes. It has not been for want of matter, that this fourth part has not appeared sooner; but the increased and ever increasing variety of other occupations has kept me hitherto from arranging the materials for the press. Of late,... more...

THROUGH grace I am, in some measure, conscious of my many weaknesses and deficiencies; but, with all this, I know that I am a member of the body of Christ, and that, as such, I have a place of service in the body. The realization of this has laid upon me the responsibility of serving the church in the particular way for which the Lord has fitted me, and this has led me to write this second little... more...

THIRD PART. IN the deep consciousness of my entire natural inability for going through the work, which is before me, to the profit of the reader and to the glory of God, I am nevertheless of good cheer in beginning this service; for the Lord has enabled me often to bow my knees before Him, to seek His help respecting it; and I am now expecting His help. He delights in making His strength perfect in our... more...

I. ORIGINS. Liturgical worship, understood in the largest sense the phrase can bear, means divine service rendered in accordance with an established form. Of late years there has been an attempt made among purists to confine the word "liturgy" to the office entitled in the Prayer Book, The Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion. This restricted and specialized... more...

AUTHOR’S PREFACE. I did not write this little work with the thought of its being given to the public. It was prepared for the help of a few Christians who were desirous of loving God with the whole heart. But so many have requested copies of it, because of the benefit they have derived from its perusal, that I have been asked to publish it. I have left it in its natural simplicity. I do not condemn... more...

BEGINNING AND EARLY DAYS OF THE ORPHAN WORK. "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ."—1 Peter, i. 7. Mr. George Müller, the founder of the New Orphan-Houses, Ashley Down, Bristol (institutions that have been for many years the greatest... more...

ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH Truthfulness is a mark of Christianity. The heathen go astray, speaking lies as soon as they are born. In China a mother will give her boy a reward for the best falsehood that he can tell. Beginning so early, and regarding it such a fine thing to tell wrong stories, they become skillful in falsehoods. Some parents in Christian America are very careless in this matter. It made my... more...

In den Schriften heißt es, dass es in der heutigen Zeit nicht möglich ist,endgültige Befreiung direkt von dieser unserer Welt aus zu erlangen. Ein Weg über MahavidehKshetra(eine Welt in einem anderen Universum) ist jedoch seit langer Zeit offen. Man muss sich nach MahavidehKshetra begeben, und nachdem man den Darshan (die Verehrung) des dort lebenden Tirthankaras (des vollkommen Erleuchteten), Shri... more...

Warum spiegelt unser Verhalten die Religion und die religiösen Praktiken nicht wider, obwohl wir uns so sehr damit befassen? Bist du nicht auch frustriert und verwirrt darüber? Was ist der Grund dafür? Param Pujya Dadashri (Meister der spirituellen Wissenschaft) hat das Geheimnis hinter dieser Verwirrung geklärt. Er sagt, dass jedes Verhalten und jede Verhaltensweise ein Ergebnis der Ursachen aus... more...

Las escrituras dicen que en este tiempo no es posible para nadie la liberación final directamente desde este mundo nuestro. De todas maneras hay una via abierta a Mahavideha kshetra (un mundo en otro universo) que ha sido abierta por un periodo largo de tiempo. Tendremos que ir a Mahavideha kshetra y después de hacer Darshan (adoración) del Tirthankar vivo (completamente iluminado) Shri Simandhar... more...

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