Religion Books

Showing: 81-90 results of 499

The Register of Ratlinghope. Ratlinghope is a parish situate on the road from Shrewsbury to Bishop’s Castle, four miles west from Church Stretton and twelve miles south from Shrewsbury, in the hundred of Purslow, rural deanery of Bishop’s Castle, archdeaconry of Ludlow, and diocese of Hereford.  The township of Gatten is in Ford hundred.  Its area is 5,456 acres, of which 3,756 are arable and... more...

Die Menschen streiten darüber, was in der Religion "meins" und "deins" ist. Um solche Streitigkeiten in Schach zu halten, gibt es das Trimantra. Wenn man die grundlegende Bedeutung des Trimantras (glückverheißendes Gebet) versteht, wird man erkennen, dass es kein Mantra ist, das ausschließlich für eine bestimmte Religion, Sekte oder Abteilung einer Religion gilt. Die Ehrerbietung im... more...

THE LIFE OF DR. JOHN DONNE (Taken from the life by Izaak Walton). Master John Donne was born in London, in the year 1573, of good and virtuous parents: and, though his own learning and other multiplied merits may justly appear sufficient to dignify both himself and his posterity, yet the reader may be pleased to know that his father was masculinely and lineally descended from a very ancient family in... more...

THE CLOUD OF WITNESSES Hebrews xii. 1. (FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE TERM) No one can look for the first time into the faces of a congregation like this without thinking, first of all, of the great multitude of other lives whose love and sacrifice are represented here. Almost every single life which enters our chapel is the focus of interest for a whole domestic circle, whose prayers and anxieties, whose hopes... more...

PREFACE. It requires no profound knowledge to reach the conclusion that the time has not yet come for an exhaustive treatise on the religion of Babylonia and Assyria. But even if our knowledge of this religion were more advanced than it is, the utility of an exhaustive treatment might still be questioned. Exhaustive treatises are apt to be exhausting to both reader and author; and however exhaustive... more...

REASON AND FAITH; THEIR CLAIMS AND CONFLICTS. [by Henry Rogers] THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, OCTOBER, 1849. [Volume 90] No. CLXXXII. [Pages 293-356] Art.I—1. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte Eighthedition, pp. 60. 8vo. London. 2. The Nemesis of Faith. By J. A. Froude,M. A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 12mo. London: pp. 227. 3.Popular Christianity, its Transition State and Probable... more...

To my reverend Friend Mr.SAMUEL WARD. Sir, your Sermon which I copied partly from your mouth, and partly from your notes, I have adventured into the light; encouraged by the approbation, and earnest entreaty of such, whose judgements you reverence, and whose love you embrace: who also have made bolde heere and there to varie some things, not of any great consequence, if I can judge. I was loth to... more...

CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS My dear children—When I was a little boy, my dear mother taught me, with the exception of the last line, the following prayer:"Now I lay me down to sleep,I pray the Lord my soul to keep;If I should die before I wake,I pray the Lord my soul to take;And this I ask for Jesus' sake." Though I am now more than fifty years old, I often like to say this prayer before... more...

THE COLE LECTURES The late Colonel E. W. Cole of Nashville, Tennessee, donated to Vanderbilt University the sum of five thousand dollars, afterwards increased by Mrs. E. W. Cole to ten thousand, the design and conditions of which gift are stated as follows: "The Object of this fund is to establish a foundation for a perpetual Lectureship in connection with the School of Religion of the University,... more...

Prologue The First Book of Adam and Eve details the life and times of Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the garden to the time that Cain kills his brother Abel. It tells of Adam and Eve's first dwelling—the Cave of Treasures; their trials and temptations; Satan's many apparitions to them; the birth of Cain, Abel, and their twin sisters; and Cain's love for his beautiful twin... more...