History Books

Showing: 11-20 results of 53

As we go to press there is an uncertain feeling resulting from the departure of our cruiser for Cuban waters. It may provoke a crisis, or it may lead to a better knowledge of the true attitude of the administration toward Spain. Cuba continues to furnish us with its share of current history; the news is no more encouraging than that of previous weeks, however. In the East the situation has not... more...

by: Various
MODEL COTTAGE. A Cottage in the Style of Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh.The elevation is shown in fig. 1, the ground-plan in fig. 2. Accommodation.—The plan shows a porch, a; a lobby, b; living room, c; kitchen, d; back-kitchen, e; pantry, f; dairy, g; bed-closet, h; store-closet, i; fuel, k; cow-house, l; pig-stye, m; yard, n; dust-hole, q. The Scotch are great admirers of this style, as... more...

The situation in Cuba remains much the same. The noteworthy event of the past week has been a sad and unfortunate shipwreck which occurred on October 16th. On that day a Spanish steamer was wrecked off the coast of Pinar del Rio, while making the trip from Havana to Bahia Honda. The Triton, as the steamer was called, was carrying soldiers' ammunition, money, and mules to be used against the Cubans... more...

by: Various
There does not seem to be any prospect of a settlement of the Turkish troubles. The various European powers have called the Sultan to account for the massacres in Armenia, and laid out a system of reforms, which they think should be made. But this is as far as they have got. "You may lead a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink." The various powers of Europe are learning that this... more...

The mayor of the city of Greater New York is Judge Robert A. Van Wyck. New York city has just been passing through the most exciting election that has fallen to her lot since she became a city. This being the first election since the passing of the charter which made New York the second largest city in the world, each political party has been trying to get a man in for mayor who represented its own... more...

The heavens are affording us an interesting study just now. Our kind old friend, the sun, it is who is giving us this benefit. One of the largest sun-spots which has ever been observed is now to be seen. So large is this spot that it is not necessary to look through a telescope to see it. By using a smoked glass, to dim the intense light of the sun, any one can look at the spot for himself. Nowadays,... more...

Current History The Maine disaster is to the public almost as much of a mystery as ever. Little of absolutely reliable information has been made known, and until something is officially stated by the court of inquiry, judgment must be suspended. The court of inquiry began the investigation almost immediately after its arrival at Havana. The sittings were held on the lighthouse tender Mangrove, and... more...

There was a very disquieting rumor last week to the effect that England had refused to take part in the Seal Conference. The reason given for her refusal was that she could not join in the discussion if Russia and Japan were admitted to it. At the British Foreign Office, which is the department of the Government that has the charge of such matters, the officials refused to say positively whether Great... more...

by: Various
With the greatly increased facilities I can now offer to my customers the convenience of an assortment of text-books and supplies more complete than any other in any store in this city. Books will be classified according to subject. Teachers and students are invited to call and refer to the shelves when in search of information; every convenience and assistance will be rendered them. Reading Charts,... more...

by: Various
The news from Cuba is not very encouraging. The reforms promised by Spain are not believed in by the Cubans, and the fighting is going on as fiercely as ever. General Gomez, who is the head of the insurgent army, declares that Cuba will never accept anything from Spain but absolute freedom. When he took command of the Cuban army, Gomez made this a condition of his acceptance. He did this because, years... more...