History Books

Showing: 1-10 results of 53

by: Various
MODEL COTTAGE. A Cottage in the Style of Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh.The elevation is shown in fig. 1, the ground-plan in fig. 2. Accommodation.—The plan shows a porch, a; a lobby, b; living room, c; kitchen, d; back-kitchen, e; pantry, f; dairy, g; bed-closet, h; store-closet, i; fuel, k; cow-house, l; pig-stye, m; yard, n; dust-hole, q. The Scotch are great admirers of this style, as... more...

by: Various
The Grant parade is over, the monument given to and accepted by the City of New York, and the great day has come and gone as such days will, leaving behind it tired eyes and a confused memory of marching soldiers. The sections of the parade in which The Great Round World took most interest were those in which the boys paraded, and especially the division in which the cadets and boys from the military... more...

General Weyler's efforts to remain in Cuba have not met with success. In the face of the letters and petitions from his admirers in Cuba, and the demonstrations made by the soldiers in his favor, Señor Sagasta, the Spanish Prime Minister, has decided to recall him, and send out General Ramon Blanco in his stead. The news was received with delightful surprise by the many people who disapprove of... more...

It is reported from Thessaly that the Turks are ruining the country. The correspondent who sent the news, having managed to escape the notice of the Turkish officials, claims to have made a personal examination of the state of affairs in the city of Larissa. He found that all the houses, except those inhabited by Mohammedans, had been stripped of their contents, and he was informed on the best... more...

The peace negotiations have not made very much progress during the past week. Turkey has announced to the Powers that she holds that Thessaly belongs to her by right of conquest, and she is not willing to give it up. But the Powers are determined to allow only a sum of money as a war indemnity, and a rearrangement of the frontier whereby Turkey will gain certain strategic points. The Sultan has again... more...

The British soldiers are doing some very fine work on the Indian frontier. During the past week an engagement has taken place in which some of the hardest fighting of the war occurred. According to the despatches, the Afridis occupied some rising ground which was known by the name of the Dargai Ridge. It was necessary for the British troops in their advance to pass across this ridge, and so the Afridis... more...

The latest news from India is of a most encouraging nature. It is supposed that the announcement made by the British Government that they mean to send a strong force to punish the rebellious tribes has had a good effect. The Afridis are reported to have held a council of war, and have decided to return to their homes and gather in their harvests. The head men of the tribe are said to be responsible for... more...

The most important news of the past week is the step which Great Britain has taken in breaking off the commercial treaties with Germany and Belgium, which have been in effect since 1865. By the terms of these treaties, Great Britain gave her word that no articles manufactured in either of these countries should be charged higher tariff duties in her colonies than similar articles of British... more...

Spain and the Cuban situation continue to form the great centres of interest in this week's news. With the continuation of active preparations on the part of the United States and Spain, the crisis seems to be rapidly approaching. It is to be hoped that each will succeed in making itself so strong that war may be averted because of its probable magnitude. The presence of two strong fleets, opposed... more...

Greece is certainly the most daring little kingdom! Far from being alarmed by the message sent her from the Powers, she has replied that it is impossible for her to withdraw her troops from Crete. She states that her object in sending them there was to restore peace, and as serious troubles still exist in the island, she cannot comply with the request of the Powers. In the reply, she further states... more...

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