General Books

Showing: 521-530 results of 661

by: Various
Unsocial Investments   The “new social conscience” is essentially a class phenomenon. While it pretends to the rôle of inner monitor and guide to conduct for all mankind, it interprets good and evil in class terms. It manifests a special solicitude for the welfare of one social group, and a mute hostility toward another. Labor is its Esau, Capital its Jacob. Let strife arise between workingmen... more...

by: Various
THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS.BY JNO. B. DUFFEY.( ) As, wandering forth at rosy dawn,When sparkling dew-drops deck the lawn,From glen and glade, and river-side,We bring young flowers—the morning's pride. And, bound in wreaths, or posies sweet,With flowers our favored ones we greet;For flowers a silent language own,That makes our maiden wishes known. A language that by love was wrought,And by fond love... more...

CHAPTER V.MRS. GARNETT'S ROCKERS. I had plenty of time for such introspective thoughts as these during my brief railway journey, and before my luggage and I were safely deposited at 35, Queen's Gate. Again I rang the bell, and again the footman in plush and powder answered the door, but this time there was no hesitation in his manner. "Miss Fenton, I believe," he said, quite civilly.... more...

CHAPTER I.THE VALLEY OF HUMILIATION. erle, I may be a little old-fashioned in my notions; middle-aged people never adjust their ideas quite in harmony with you young folk, but in my day we never paused to count fifty at a full stop." Aunt Agatha's voice startled me with its reproachful irritability. Well, I had deserved that little sarcasm for I must confess that I had been reading very... more...

CALLED AWAY."AND CLUNG TO HER NECK WITH A SMOTHERED CRY."In the heart of the heartless town, where hunger and death are rife;Where gold and greed, and trouble and need, make up the sum of life—A woman lives with her only child,And toils 'mid the weary strife.No end to the tiring toil to earn a wage so small;No end to the ceaseless care—ah! the misery of it all!While the strongest... more...

CHAPTER I. The many aspects of a brook—The eye sees only that which it is capable of seeing—Individuality of brooks and their banks—The rippling "burnie" of the hills—The gently-flowing brooks of low-lying districts—Individualities even of such brooks—The fresh-water brooks of Oxford and the tidal brooks of the Kentish marshes—The swarming life in which they abound—An... more...

by: Various
CHAPTER V.THE CHATEAU AFTER THE LOSS OF THE BABY. s the baron had conjectured, the housemaid whom he had called out of the nursery to look for Léon's cane, on finding her master had gone without it, did not hurry back, but stopped talking to some of the other servants for perhaps a quarter of an hour, when she returned to the nursery, and to her amazement found the baby was gone. She was not... more...

by: Various
Yet the recollection of that book is helping to soften Hazel. There is a tender bit of writing at the close of the lecture which can hardly fail to reach any woman's heart, unless it be wholly hardened; and Hazel's is not a hard heart. So she muses on it, growing gradually calmer and happier. After all, she might be of some use in the world if she were to try, and if One Divine would be with... more...

The Christmas ChildBYMrs. G. de Horne VaizeyA happy thought, a cross-country journey, a strange discovery, another happy thought, and many still happier thoughts hereafter!Jack said: "Nonsense! We are all grown up now. Let Christmas alone. Take no notice of it; treat it as if it were an ordinary day." Margaret said: "The servants have all begged for leave. Most of their mothers are dying,... more...

by: Various
"May we go, mamma? Oh, do say yes. Please say yes." Lilian and her brother Earl were invited to a children's lawn party, and, as they were not different from most other children, they were very anxious to attend. "Lilian may go, but I am afraid to trust Earl," said mamma. "There will certainly be ice cream and berries, cake and lemonade, and you know what the doctor said, Earl.... more...