General Books

Showing: 481-490 results of 661

by: Various
GEORGE DEXTER ROBINSON. BY FRED. W. WEBBER, A.M. [Assistant Editor of the Boston Journal.] His Excellency George D. Robinson, at present the foremost citizen of Massachusetts, by reason of his incumbency of the highest office in the Commonwealth, is the thirtieth in the line of succession of the men who have held the office of Governor under the Constitution. In character, in ability, in education, and... more...

by: Various
WILLIAM GASTON. By ARTHUR P. DODGE. Victor Hugo has written: "The historian of morals and ideas has a mission no less austere than that of the historian of events. The latter has the surface of civilization, the struggles of the crowns, the births of princes, the marriages of Kings, the battles, the assemblies, the great public men, the revolutions in the sunlight, all exterior; the other historian... more...

by: Various
DANIEL LOTHROP.By JOHN N. MCCLINTOCK, A.M.The fame, character and prosperity of a city have often depended upon its merchants,—burghers they were once called to distinguish them from haughty princes and nobles. Through the enterprise of the common citizens, Venice, Genoa, Antwerp, and London have become famous, and have controlled the destinies of nations. New England, originally settled by sturdy... more...

by: Various
GROVER CLEVELAND.By HENRY H. METCALF.Save only that of Ulysses S. Grant, no name in America has come from comparative obscurity into national eminence in so short a time as that of GROVER CLEVELAND. The fame of Grant was wrought out through the exigencies of a great civil war, in which the unity of the Republic was the issue involved. The distinction which Cleveland has achieved comes of valiant... more...

by: Various
It is said that there are twenty-six places in the United States by the name of Andover; yet when the name appears in the public prints it does not occur to any one to ask which Andover? These facts are suggestive of the wide knowledge and popularity of this historic town, and the abiding interest of scattered thousands in its welfare. Her sons have gone forth to dare and to do upon every field of... more...

by: Various
The plan for the establishment of a second college in Connecticut was not carried into effect until after the time of the political and religious revolution which secured the adoption of a State Constitution in 1818. Probably no such plan was seriously entertained till after the close of the war of Independence. The Episcopal church in Connecticut had, one may almost say, been born in the library of... more...

by: Various
Williams College has something peculiar and romantic in its history, as well as in its site amid the beautiful hills of Berkshire. It had its birth upon the very frontiers of civilization, and amid the throes of that struggle which was to decide finally whether the control of this continent, and the permanent shaping of its institutions and its destiny were to be French or English. The nascent colleges... more...

Sir, I have the honour to submit the following report of the activities of the National Library Service. The report covers the work of the Service as a whole and its four divisions—Country Library Service, School Library Service, Library School, and National Library Centre. The functions of the Service may be summed up as the provision of such assistance to any New Zealand library maintained directly... more...

MEMBERS OF THE NORTHERN NUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION Alabama Robertson, H. M., 2026 1st Ave., Birmingham. Arkansas * Drake, Prof. N. F., University of Arkansas, FayettevilleDunn, D. K., Wynne. California California, University of, BerkeleyCress, B. E., TehachapiThorpe, Will J., 2198 Geary St., San FranciscoTucker, T. C., 311 California St., San Francisco Canada Bell, Alex., Milliken, OntarioCorsan, G. H.,... more...

NAME ARTICLE I. This Society shall be known as the Northern Nut GrowersAssociation, Incorporated. It is strictly a non-profit organization. PURPOSES ARTICLE II. The purposes of this Association shall be to promote interest in the nut bearing plants; scientific research in their breeding and culture; standardization of varietal names; the dissemination of information concerning the above and such other... more...