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Voltaire's Chateau, at Ferney. Voltaire is the bronze and plaster poet of France. Cheek by jowl with Rosseau, (their squabbles are forgotten in the roll of fame), you see him perched on mantel, bracket, ecritoire, and bookcase: in short, their effigies are as common as the plaster figures of Shakspeare and Milton are in England. How far the rising generation of France may profit by their household...
Constitution and Rules of the Northern Nut Growers Association. Name. The society shall be known as the Northern Nut Growers Association. Object. The promotion of interest in nut-producing plants, their products and their culture. Membership. Membership in the society shall be open to all persons who desire to further nut culture, without reference to place of residence or nationality, subject to the...
GASPARD MONGE'S MAUSOLEUM. (To the Editor of the Mirror.) Sir,—As one of your correspondents has favoured you with a drawing of the gaol I designed for the city and county of Norwich, with which you have embellished a recent number of the MIRROR, I flatter myself that an engraving from the drawing I herewith send you of the mausoleum of Gaspard Monge, which I drew while at Paris, in 1822, will...
ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. The political differences which have generated parties in this country date back to an early period. They existed under the old confederation, were perceptible in the formation of the Constitution and establishment of "a more perfect union." Differences on fundamental principles of government led to the organization of parties which, under various names, after...
GUY'S CLIFF. "A home of pleasure, a place meet for the Muses."—Leland. Warwick—what olden glories and tales of other times are associated with this county. How many of its sites are connected with high-minded men and great and glorious actions. To the antiquary, the poet, and the philosopher, every foot is hallowed ground; and even the cold calculations of the commercial speculator...
THE CASE OF GEORGE DEDLOW. The following notes of my own case have been declined on various pretexts by every medical journal to which I have offered them. There was, perhaps, some reason in this, because many of the medical facts which they record are not altogether new, and because the psychical deductions to which they have led me are not in themselves of medical interest. I ought to add, that a...
A. A.(A.) on solemnization of matrimony, 46.Admiration, a note of, 86.Adur, origin of, 71. 108.Æneas, Silvius, 423.Aërostation, works on, 199. 251. 269. 285. 317. 380. 459.Aerostation, squib on Lunardi, 469."A Frog he would," &c., 45. 188.A.(F.R.) on Dr. Maginn, 109.—— on the Darby Ram, 285.—— on "Epistolm Obscururum Virorum," 122.—— on Parse, 522.—— on Hockey,...
LORD CHATHAM--QUEEN CHARLOTTE.Original Letter, written on the Resignation of Mr. Pitt, in 1761--Public Feeling on the Subject, and Changes at Court in consequence--First Impressions of Queen Charlotte.[The following valuable original letter is now published for the first time. It will be found to be of very considerable historical curiosity and interest. The resignation of the Great Commoner in 1761,...
THE GYMNASIUM. Two distinct yet harmonious branches of study claimed the early attention of the youth of ancient Greece. Education was comprised in the two words, Music and Gymnastics. Plato includes it all under these divisions:—"That having reference to the body is gymnastics, but to the cultivation of the mind, music." Grammar was sometimes distinguished from the other branches classed...