Periodicals Books

Showing: 391-400 results of 1453

by: Various
I. SOUTHWEST ANGLE OF THE DUCAL PALACE, VENICE. Although the Ducal Palace is much larger than the other palaces of Venice, and intended for general civic uses as well as a residence for the Duke or Doge, it follows closely the type already described. It has undergone so many changes since its first foundation in about the year 800 (813 according to Ruskin), having been destroyed five times, and as... more...

by: Various
r Wilson Eyre, Jr., in an article in The Architectural Review for January, which has been alluded to in our issue for October, and from which we have borrowed the three charming illustrations reproduced from his drawings, speaks as follows of English domestic architecture: “There is much to be seen from the railroad in the way of long rambling farmhouses and country houses of the modest kind, and... more...

by: Various
BYZANTINE-ROMANESQUE WINDOWS IN SOUTHERN ITALY. The collection of photographs from which the plates in this and the February number were selected was only recently made under the direction of Signor Boni, an official of the Italian government, charged with the care and restoration of historic monuments. The province of Apulia has been so little invaded by the march of modern improvement, and its... more...

by: Various
FRAGMENTS OF GREEK DETAIL. The Art of Greece during the fifth century, B.C., was developed in an amazingly short time from a condition of almost archaic rudeness to that of the greatest perfection which the world has ever seen. At the close of the Persian wars the Athenians, under Pericles, began rebuilding their city and perfecting themselves in all the arts of civilization, and their progress in the... more...

by: Various
Pulpits of Southern Italy. The pulpits and ambos chosen for the illustrations in this issue of The Brochures are mainly interesting for their wonderful mosaic decorations which are among the finest of their kind which have ever been executed. The work of the family of Cosmati, by whose name the Roman mosaic or inlay of this description is known, such as that in plate LXXI, is similar in design and... more...

Colutea Frutescens. Scarlet Bladder Senna. Class and Order. Diadelphia Decandria. Generic Character. Cal. 5-fidus. Legumen inflatum, basi superiore dehiscens. Specific Character and Synonyms. COLUTEA frutescens fruticosa, foliolis ovato-oblongis. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr, p. 668. Ait. Hort. Kew. V. 3. p. 56. Mill. Icon. 99. COLUTEA æthiopica, flore purpureo. Breyn. Cent. 70. t. 29. N181.Of... more...

[145] Monarda Fistulosa, var. Crimson Monarda Class and Order. Diandra Monogynia. Generic Character. Corolla inæqualis: labio superiore lineari filamenta involvente. Semina 4. Specific Character and Synonyms. MONARDA fistulosa capitulis terminalibus, caule obtusangulo. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. p. 68. ed. 14. Murr. Hort. Kew. v. 1. p. 36. ORIGANUM fistulosum Canadense. Corn. Canad. 13. t. 14. N145.The... more...

[109] Lavatera Trimestris. Annual Lavatera. Class and Order. Monadelphia Polyandria. Generic Character. Calyx duplex: exterior 3-fidus. Arilli plurimi, monospermi. Specific Character and Synonyms. LAVATERA trimestris caule scabro herbaceo, foliis glabris, pedunculis unifloris, fructibus orbiculo tectis. Linn. Sp. Pl. 974. Hort. Kew. v. 2. p. 452. LAVATERA (althææfolia) foliis infimis... more...

[73] Monsonia speciosa. Large-flower'd Monsonia. Class and Order. Polyadelphia Dodecandria. Generic Character. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala. Stam. 15. connata in 5 filamenta. Stylus 5-fidus. Caps. 5-cocca. Specific Character and Synonyms. MONSONIA speciosa foliis quinatis: foliolis bipinnatis, Lin. Syst. Vegetab. p. 697. MONSONIA grandiflora. Burm. prodr. 23. N73The genus of which this charming... more...

[37] Chironia frutescens. Shrubby Chironia. Class and Order. Pentandria Monogynia. Generic Character. Cor. rotata. Pistillum declinatum. Stamina tubo corollæ infidentia. Antheræ demum spirales. Peric. 2-loculare. Specific Character and Synonyms. CHIRONIA frutescens, foliis lanceolatis subtomentosis, calycibus campanulatis. Lin. Syst. Vegetab. p. 229. CENTAURIUM foliis binis oppositis angustis... more...