Periodicals Books

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by: Various
Chapter I. "The truth is, John," said Mr. Wilson to his brother, "I am troubled about my boy. Here it is the first of July, and he can't go back to school until the middle of September. He will be idle all that time, and I'm afraid he'll get into mischief. Now the other day I found him reading a wretched story about pirates. Why should a son of mine care to read about... more...

by: Various
BIRTHPLACE OF DR. JOHNSON, AT LICHFIELD. In the large corner house, on the right of the Engraving, SAMUEL JOHNSON was born on the 18th of September, N.S. 1709. We learn from Boswell, that the house was built by Johnson's father, and that the two fronts, towards Market and Broad Market-street stood upon waste land of the Corporation of Lichfield, under a forty years lease; this expired in 1767,... more...

by: Various
A STORY WITH A POINT. (With Mr. Punch's apologies for not having sent it on to "The Spectator.") Geoffrey has an Irish terrier that he swears by. I don't mean by this that he invokes it when he becomes portentous, but he is always annoying me with tales, usually untruthful, of the wonderful things this dog has done. Now I have a pointer, Leopold, who really is a marvellous animal, and... more...

by: Various
THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY, NOW A QUARTERLY. Some of our friends write us, saying that they do not receive the "American Missionary" regularly. Perhaps these friends have not noticed the announcement that our magazine is now a quarterly and not a monthly. The last number was issued December, 1897, and this number will appear March, 1898. We publish in this number of the magazine the annual list of... more...

by: Various
CHAPTER V.THE CHATEAU AFTER THE LOSS OF THE BABY. s the baron had conjectured, the housemaid whom he had called out of the nursery to look for Léon's cane, on finding her master had gone without it, did not hurry back, but stopped talking to some of the other servants for perhaps a quarter of an hour, when she returned to the nursery, and to her amazement found the baby was gone. She was not... more...

[109] Lavatera Trimestris. Annual Lavatera. Class and Order. Monadelphia Polyandria. Generic Character. Calyx duplex: exterior 3-fidus. Arilli plurimi, monospermi. Specific Character and Synonyms. LAVATERA trimestris caule scabro herbaceo, foliis glabris, pedunculis unifloris, fructibus orbiculo tectis. Linn. Sp. Pl. 974. Hort. Kew. v. 2. p. 452. LAVATERA (althææfolia) foliis infimis... more...

by: Various
NEW SPANISH ARTILLERY. The Spanish Government is now engaged in supplying some of its principal fortifications with heavy guns of the most improved construction. The defenses of Cadiz and Ceuta have been greatly strengthened in this respect. The most recent additions are some very powerful Krupp guns for the fortress of Isabel II., at Mahon.   NEW KRUPP BREECH LOADING GUNS FOR SPANISH FORTIFICATIONS.... more...

by: Various
December 9, 1914. We are told that "it is confidently believed by the advisers to the Treasury that the new issue of £1 notes cannot be successfully imitated." We think that it is a mistake to put our artists on their mettle in this way. A black eagle, a contemporary tells us, was seen one day last week at Westgate-on-Sea. A Prussian bird, no doubt, in mourning for lost Calais. The German... more...

by: Various
CHILDHOOD: A STUDY. There is a rushing southwest wind. It murmurs overhead among the willows, and the little river-waves lap and wash upon the point below; but not a breath lifts my hair, down here among the tree-trunks, close to the water. Clear water ripples at my feet; and a mile and more away, across the great bay of the wide river, the old, compact brick-red city lies silent in the sunshine.... more...

by: Various
PREFACE The present sheet completes the TWELFTH VOLUME OF THE MIRROR. This circumstance alone is typical of the substantial patronage which has attended our exertions from their commencement; and may be, we hope, anticipatory of continued success. Our career of six years has been subdivided into twelve volumes or sessions; we have had no recess, but uniformly "a house;" and, as members of the... more...