Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 1261-1270 results of 1768

Borrow had at last found work that was thoroughly congenial to him. It was not in his nature to exist outside his occupations, and his whole personality became bound up in the mission upon which he was engaged. Not content with preparing the way for printing the New Testament in Manchu, he set himself the problem of how it was to be distributed when printed. He foresaw serious obstacles to its... more...

CHAPTER I: EAST ANGLIA It is a trite saying, the truth of which is so universally admitted that it is hardly worth repeating, that a man’s memory, above all things, retains most vividly recollections of the scenes amidst which he passed his early days.  Amidst the loneliness of the African veldt or American prairie solitudes, the West-countryman dreams of Devon’s grassy tors and honeysuckle lanes,... more...

I.Notto the Pagan’s mount I turn,For inspiration now;Olympus and its gods I spurn—Pure One, be with me, Thou!Thou, in whose awful name,From suffering and from shame,Our Fathers fled, and braved a pathless sea;Thou, in whose holy fear,They fixed an empire here,And gave it to their Children and to Thee.II.And You! ye bright ascended Dead,Who scorned the bigot’s yoke,Come, round this place your... more...

GEORGE BORROW A SERMON PREACHED INNORWICH CATHEDRAL ON::  ::  JULY 6, 1913  ::  :: byH. C. BEECHING, D.D., D.Litt.dean of norwich london JARROLD & SONS publishers “As for me, I would seek unto God, which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number.”—Job v. 8. You may desire some explanation of why we in this Cathedral, have thought it right to take part with the... more...

CHAPTER I. The Discovery and early Settlement of America. Discovery of the New World.—Of Florida.—Conquest and cruelties of De Soto.—The wigwam.—Colony at St. Mary.—Sir Walter Raleigh and his Colonies.—Grant of King James.—Settlements in the Virginia.—Adventures of John Smith.—Arrival of Lord Delaware.—Terrible massacres.—Pressures of Colonists to the West.—Doherty Trade with... more...

GENERAL INTRODUCTION new series of 'Books about Books,' exclusively English in its aims, may seem to savour of the patriotism which, in matters of art and historical research, is, with reason enough, often scoffed at as a treacherous guide. No doubt in these pleasant studies patriotism acts as a magnifying-glass, making us unduly exaggerate details. On the other hand, it encourages us to try... more...

Preface After an expedition of two months in September, October, and November, 1902, among the people of northern Luzon it was decided that the Igorot of Bontoc pueblo, in the Province of Lepanto-Bontoc, are as typical of the primitive mountain agriculturist of Luzon as any group visited, and that ethnologic investigations directed from Bontoc pueblo would enable the investigator to show the culture of... more...

by: Anonymous
GENERAL The Custom Mark III CP Series Oil Fired Unit is a high quality heating unit that will provide many years of comfortable and economical heat if properly installed and given proper care. It is IMPORTANT therefore that these instructions should be followed carefully. SHIPMENT The unit is completely assembled at the factory except for the following parts which are packed in a separate carton and... more...

WHY A BOAT FLOATSBEFORE taking up the construction of any of the model power boats described in this book, it will be well for the young boat-builder to become acquainted with such terms as buoyancy, displacement, center of gravity, etc. Knowledge of these subjects is more or less necessary if successful boats are to be made. Aside from this, they are terms that every boy who claims an interest in... more...

BLOOMINGDALE HOSPITAL CENTENARY The One Hundredth Anniversary of the establishment of Bloomingdale Hospital as a separate department for mental diseases of The Society of the New York Hospital was celebrated at the Hospital at White Plains on Thursday, May 26, 1921. The addresses were given in the Assembly Hall. Mr. Edward W. Sheldon, the President of the Society, acted as Chairman. MORNING SESSION The... more...