Periodicals Books

Showing: 781-790 results of 1453

by: Various
The Engraving on the annexed page is, perhaps, one of the greatest antiquarian treasures it has for some time been our good fortune to introduce to the readers of the MIRROR. It represents the original SOMERSET HOUSE, which derived its name from Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, maternal uncle to Edward VI., and Protector of the realm during most of the reign of that youthful sovereign. The time at... more...

by: Various
Since the publication of our article on the Brazilian Treaty, we have received several letters from individuals who, agreeing with us entirely in the free-trade view of the question, nevertheless are at variance with us as to the commercial policy which we should pursue towards that country, in order to coerce them into our views regarding slavery. We are glad to feel called upon to express our views... more...

by: Various
While living in the neighborhood of Chelsea, we determined to look upon the few broken walls that once inclosed the residence of Sir Thomas More, a man who, despite the bitterness inseparable from a persecuting age, was of most wonderful goodness as well as intellectual power. We first read over the memories of him preserved by Erasmus, Hoddesdon, Roper, Aubrey, his own namesake, and others. It is... more...

by: Various
OUR NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY. BY BENSON J. LOSSING. ON the morning of a brilliant day in October, 1760, the heir apparent to the British throne and his groom of the stole, were riding on horseback near Kew Palace, on the banks of the Thames. The heir was George, son of the deceased Frederick, Prince of Wales; the groom was John Stuart, Earl of Bute, an impoverished descendant of an ancient Scottish... more...

Through the glamour of the Colonial we are forced to acknowledge the classic charm shown in late seventeenth and early eighteenth century window designs. Developed, as they were, by American carpenters who were stimulated by remembrance of their early impressions of English architecture received in the mother land, there is no precise or spiritless copy of English details; rather there is expressed a... more...

The Garden in October October is a fine time to plant every kind of "bulb, root and tuber," also all deciduous plants and shrubs, except those with thin bark or thick, fleshy roots (e.g., birch magnolia). Clean up and burn diseased plants, manure the garden, plow it and leave it all winter. Burn asparagus tops and manure the bed. Also make new asparagus and rhubarb beds and plant sets of extra... more...

by: Various
The receipts are $237,141.25, exclusive of Reserve Legacy Account, an increase of $24,922,63 compared with last year. There has been an increase of $15,751.36 in donations, $5,800.96 in estates, $852,26 in income and $2,518.05 in tuition. The expenditures are $249,148.75, an increase of $21,699.95 compared with last year. The debt showing June 30th, this year, is $12,007.50—last year at the same time... more...

by: Various
The first six months of the present fiscal year of the American Missionary Association closed March 31st. The receipts are $18,961.74 more than for the same period last year. The increase in donations is $10,699, and in estates $6,433.24, exclusive of the reserve legacy account. The tuition and similar receipts are $1,829.49 more than last year. This is a favorable and encouraging showing. We... more...

by: Various
We look forward to the fifty-second anniversary of the American Missionary Association to be held at Concord, N. H., October 25-27, with exceptional interest. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Doctor George A. Gordon. Distinguished speakers add to the interest of the meetings. Missionaries from the field will present the varied features of their work among the Indians, mountain people and the colored... more...

by: Various
THE PROGRESSIVE SOUTH. It is encouraging to note the signs of progress at the South towards meeting the heavy responsibilities of the situation. It is a mistake to imagine that the Southern situation does not improve from year to year. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, appreciate the trend of events and the necessity for the elevation of the depressed millions with whom they are intermingled. The... more...