Periodicals Books

Showing: 541-550 results of 1453

OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. BY GEORGE STEWART, D. C. L., LL. D. To the year 1809, the world is very much indebted for a band of notable recruits to the ranks of literature and science, statesmanship and military renown. One need mention only a few names to establish that fact, and grand names they are, for the list includes Darwin, Gladstone, Erastus Wilson, John Hill Burton, Manteuffel, Count Beust, Lord... more...

History repeats itself, but on new planes. Often, a symbol appears in one age, and the spirit of which it is the expression is revealed in another. Each answers the need of its own time. From the creative standpoint, which is out of time, spirit and symbol are one; but to us, who see things successively, they seem as prior and posterior. If this be so, it should be possible for a thoughtful and... more...

The twenty-seven respectable citizens of New York who, in 1792, met under a buttonwood tree in front of the premises now known as Number 60 Wall Street, and formed an association for the purchase and sale of public stocks at a fixed and unvarying commission, with a proviso of mutual help and preference, committed themselves to an enterprise of whose moment and influence in the future they could have... more...

by: Various
It was that solemn hour of the night, when, in the words of the poet, "creation sleeps;"—a silence as of the dead reigned amid the streets and alleys of the great city of Dublin, interrupted, ever and anon, only by the solitary voice of the watchman, announcing the time, and the prospects of fair or foul weather for the ensuing day. Even the noise of carriages returning from revels and... more...

by: Various
American MissionaryVol.XXXIX.JULY, 1885.No.7.American Missionary Association.$365,000 NEEDED FOR THE CURRENT YEAR.Your Committee are convinced that not less than a THOUSAND DOLLARS a day are imperatively demanded to perfect the admirably organized plans of the Association, even for the present, to say nothing of the pressing needs of the early future.—[Finance Committee's Report Adopted by... more...

by: Various
The receipts published in this number bring us to the end of the first three months of our fiscal year. The summary given above shows how we stand as compared with last year. Total compared with total, we are behind. May we not, however, hope that the turning-point will soon be reached, and that all through the rest of the year it shall be our privilege to chronicle a steady increase? We are out in the... more...

by: Various
ANNUAL MEETING.Place.Springfield, Mass., is not only one of the most beautiful cities in New England, but is especially adapted for a great convention like the Fifty-fourth Annual gathering of the American Missionary Association. With cordial hospitality the members of the churches and citizens of Springfield have opened their homes and hearts to welcome the delegates, life members, officers and... more...

by: Various
The receipts are $237,141.25, exclusive of Reserve Legacy Account, an increase of $24,922,63 compared with last year. There has been an increase of $15,751.36 in donations, $5,800.96 in estates, $852,26 in income and $2,518.05 in tuition. The expenditures are $249,148.75, an increase of $21,699.95 compared with last year. The debt showing June 30th, this year, is $12,007.50—last year at the same time... more...

by: Various
The first six months of the present fiscal year of the American Missionary Association closed March 31st. The receipts are $18,961.74 more than for the same period last year. The increase in donations is $10,699, and in estates $6,433.24, exclusive of the reserve legacy account. The tuition and similar receipts are $1,829.49 more than last year. This is a favorable and encouraging showing. We... more...

by: Various
THE PROGRESSIVE SOUTH. It is encouraging to note the signs of progress at the South towards meeting the heavy responsibilities of the situation. It is a mistake to imagine that the Southern situation does not improve from year to year. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, appreciate the trend of events and the necessity for the elevation of the depressed millions with whom they are intermingled. The... more...