Periodicals Books

Showing: 1301-1310 results of 1453

AUGUST 20 AND 21, 1914 Evansville, Indiana The fifth annual meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association was held in the Evansville Business Association Hall at Evansville, Indiana, beginning August 20, 1914, at 10 A. M., President Littlepage presiding. The President: The fifth annual meeting of the Northern Nut Growers Association will now come to order, and I have the pleasure of introducing to... more...

Constitution and Rules of the Northern Nut Growers Association. Name. The society shall be known as the Northern Nut Growers Association. Object. The promotion of interest in nut-producing plants, their products and their culture. Membership. Membership in the society shall be open to all persons who desire to further nut culture, without reference to place of residence or nationality, subject to the... more...

BY-LAWS ARTICLE I—COMMITTEES The Association shall appoint standing committees as follows: On membership, on finance, on programme, on press and publication, on exhibits, on varieties and contests, on survey, and an auditing committee. The committee on membership may make recommendations to the Association as to the discipline or expulsion of any member. ARTICLE II—FEES Annual members shall pay two... more...

CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I Name. This society shall be known as the NORTHERN NUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE II Object. Its object shall be the promotion of interest in nut-bearing plants, their products and their culture. ARTICLE III Membership. Membership in the society shall be open to all persons who desire to further nut culture, without reference to place of residence or nationality, subject to the... more...

Northern Nut Growers Association Membership List as of December 1, 1947 ALABAMA Orr, Lovic, Penn-Orr-McDaniel Orchards, Rt. 1, Danville ARKANSAS Hale, A. C., Rt. 2, Box 322, CamdenHarris, Lt. Col. Oscar B., Rt. 1, FayettevilleStanley, Julian G., Rt. 1, Box 239, CamdenWinn, J. B., Westfork CALIFORNIA Armstrong Nurseries, 408 N. Euclid Ave., OntarioGaston, Eugene T., Rt. 2, Box 771, TurlockHaig, Dr.... more...

NAME ARTICLE I. This Society shall be known as the Northern Nut GrowersAssociation, Incorporated. It is strictly a non-profit organization. PURPOSES ARTICLE II. The purposes of this Association shall be to promote interest in the nut bearing plants; scientific research in their breeding and culture; standardization of varietal names; the dissemination of information concerning the above and such other... more...

MEMBERS OF THE NORTHERN NUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION Alabama Robertson, H. M., 2026 1st Ave., Birmingham. Arkansas * Drake, Prof. N. F., University of Arkansas, FayettevilleDunn, D. K., Wynne. California California, University of, BerkeleyCress, B. E., TehachapiThorpe, Will J., 2198 Geary St., San FranciscoTucker, T. C., 311 California St., San Francisco Canada Bell, Alex., Milliken, OntarioCorsan, G. H.,... more...

CONSTITUTION of the NORTHERN NUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED (As read at the annual meeting, Guelph, Ontario, September 5, 1947, and adopted September 13, 1948, at Norris, Tennessee) NAME ARTICLE I. This Society shall be known as the Northern Nut GrowersAssociation, Incorporated. It is strictly a non-profit organization. PURPOSES ARTICLE II. The purposes of this Association shall be to promote... more...

Article I.—Description of the Gangrenous Ulcer of the Mouths of Children. By B. H. Coates, M. D. one of the Physicians to the Philadelphia Children's Asylum, &c. Having had opportunities of witnessing the ravages and unmanageable character of this destructive disease, I have long and deeply felt the want of some written account, both of the malady, and of a proper mode of treatment. Some... more...

by: Various
A WORD OF EXHORTATION. Sensible of our accountability to God, of our entire dependence upon his blessing for success in all our undertakings, knowing that of ourselves we can do nothing, but believing that through Christ strengthening us we may accomplish something in his service, we enter upon the duties of another year—the twentieth year of our editorial labors. With language similar to that which... more...