Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 41-50 results of 1768

by: Anonymous
My Lord, Characters like your’s, are regarded with impartial Attention by human Society, and the World will impatiently expect something in your Conduct suitable to your Rank and Dignity. Those who are intrusted with the Charter of our Liberties, or the Revenge of our Wrongs, are laid under the strongest Obligations which Honour or Gratitude can impose, to maintain the Rights and execute the... more...

Sir;— An English courtier procured a colonial judgeship for a young dependant wholly ignorant of law. The new functionary, on parting with his patron, received from him the following sage advice,—"Be careful never to assign reasons, for whether your judgments be right or wrong, your reasons will certainly be bad." You have cause to regret that some friend had not been equally provident of... more...

My Lord, The present address originates in an anxious wish for the advancement of medical knowledge, where it is connected with those maladies of the human mind, that are referable to the court, wherein your Lordship has so long administered impartial justice. The disorders which affect the body are, in general, the exclusive province of the medical practitioner; but, by a wise provision, that has... more...

CHAPTER I The beginnings—Library law If the establishment of a free public library in your town is under consideration, the first question is probably this: Is there a statute which authorizes a tax for the support of a public library? Your state library commission, if you have one, will tell you if your state gives aid to local public libraries. It will also tell you about your library law. If you... more...

CHAPTER I A Home in the Blest Land, by the Sacred Sea "Blest land of Judæa! Thrice hallowed in song,Where the holiest of memories pilgrim like throng,In the shade of thy palms, by the shores of thy sea,On the hills of the beauty, my heart is with thee."—Whittier. A Galilean boy, a fisherman, a follower of Jesus, one of the twelve Apostles, one of the favored three, the beloved one, the... more...

Introduction Although I had already inquired for them from Ilocano boys, my first actual knowledge of Filipino riddles was due to Mr. George T. Shoens, American teacher among the Bisayans. He had made a collection of some fifty Bisayan riddles and presented a brief paper regarding them at the Anthropological Conference held at Baguio, under my direction, on May 12–14, 1908. My own collection was... more...

A CATECHISM For Little Children to Learn. Question. Who made you? Answer. GOD. Quest. Who Redeemed you? Answ. Jesus Christ. Quest. Who Sanctifieth and preserves you? Answ. The Holy Ghost. Quest. Wherefore did God make you? Answ. To Serve him. Quest. How must he be served? Answ. In Spirit and in Truth. Quest. What is it to serve God? Answ. To keep his Commandements. Quest. How many Commandments be... more...

by: Unknown
LITTLE PRESENT. The Squirrel leaps from tree to tree. The Hive doth hold the honey-bee. The pretty Butterfly is seen, When little girls trip o’er the green. The Owl until the evening sleeps. The Serpent on his belly creeps. The Lion roars, the woods resound. The raging Bull tears up the ground. The Raven for his food doth cry. The Eagle soars exceeding high. Whilst the Plowman drives his Plow. Betty... more...

"There is nothing that makes men rich and strong but that which they carry inside of them. Wealth is of the heart, not of the hand."—John Milton. "Until we know why the rose is sweet or the dew drop pure, or the rainbow beautiful, we cannot know why the poet is the best benefactor of society. The soldier fights for his native land, but the poet touches that land with the charm that makes... more...

PLATE I.1.Ligature of Aorta—Sir A. Cooper's incision.2.Ligature of Aorta—South and Murray's incision.3.Ligature of Common Iliac.4.Ligature of External Iliac—Sir A. Cooper's.5.Ligature of Femoral in Scarpa's triangle.6.Ligature of Femoral below Sartorius.7.Ligature of Innominate.8.Ligature of third part of Left Subclavian.9.Ligature of Axillary in its first part.10.Ligature of... more...