Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 1441-1450 results of 1768

Eulalia. God spede, & a thousand mine old acqueintāce. xantippa. xan. As many agayn, my dere hert. Eulalia. me semets ye ar warē much faire now of late. Eula. Saye you so? gyue you me a mocke at the first dash. xan. Nay veryly but I take you so. Eula. Happely mi new gown maketh me to loke fayrer then I sholde doe. xan. Sothe you saye, I haue not sene a mynioner... more...

Introductory Reference to files.—The basic documents in connection with the investigation on men's sewed straw hats are in the files of the Tariff Commission and are available to the President. They include the transcripts of the public hearings and the original cost schedules and other data. These include confidential data, the disclosure of which is forbidden by section 708 of the revenue act... more...

by: Various
PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ANNOUNCEMENT OF DEATH. December 23, 1891. Mr. Meredith, of Virginia: Mr. Speaker, I rise to make the painful announcement to the House of the death of Hon. William H.F. Lee, a Representative in the Fiftieth and Fifty-first Congresses of the United States and a Representative-elect to the Fifty-second Congress. He died at his home, in Fairfax County, Va., on... more...

CHAPTER I My Early Days—Odd Characters in our Village—Distinguished Visitors to Dartmouth—Two Story Tellers of Hanover—A "Beacon Light" and a Master of Synonyms—A Day with Bryant in his Country Home—A Wedding Trip to the White Mountains in 1826 in "A One Hoss Shay"—A Great Career which Began in a Country Store. I make no excuse for publishing these memories. Realizing that... more...

CHAPTER I. BIRTH.—EDUCATION.—RESIDENCE IN EUROPE.—AT COLLEGE.—AT THE BAR. —POLITICAL ESSAYS.—MINISTER AT THE HAGUE.—AT BERLIN.—RETURN TO THE UNITED STATES. John Quincy Adams, son of John and Abigail Adams, was born on the 11th of July, 1767, in the North Parish of Braintree, Massachusetts—since incorporated as the town of Quincy. The lives and characters of his parents, intimately... more...

Lesson 1. SHORT SOUNDS OF VOWELS. Short Sound of A. am cat gap ban capan bad bag can mapas mad gag fan napat pad hag pan rapax sad lag ran haprat gad tag tan jamsat sap fag van ham Short Sound of E. bed den net sell tentled ken pet nest rentred men set zest sentwed wen yet test wentbeg jet sex pest feltleg let fell rest pelthen met bell jest melt Lesson 2. SHORT SOUNDS OF VOWELS.—CONTINUED. Short... more...

Chapter I. Life till Marriage, and Work till the Publication of the Poems of 1853. Even those who are by no means greedy of details as to the biography of authors, may without inconsistency regret that Matthew Arnold’s Letters do not begin till he was just five-and-twenty. And then they are not copious, telling us in particular next to nothing about his literary work (which is, later, their constant... more...

Chapter I. At Home.   Long Branch, one of America’s most famous watering-places, in midsummer, its softly-wooded hills dotted here and there with picturesque “frame” villas of dazzling white, and below the purple Atlantic sweeping in restlessly on to the New Jersey shore. The sultry day has been one of summer storm, and the waves are tipped still with crests of snowy foam, though now the sun is... more...

Genus AMŒBA Auct. The pseudopodia are lobose, sometimes absent, the body then progressing by a flowing movement; the body consists of ectoplasm and endoplasm, the latter being granular and internal, the former hyaline and external. There is always one nucleus and one vacuole, but both may be more numerous. Reproduction takes place by division or by spore-formation. Fresh-water and marine. Fig. 1.—... more...

NEW JOURNAL OF MARIE BASHKIRTSEFF JANUARY, 1873 (Marie was then twelve years old.) I must tell you that ever since Baden I have thought of nothing except the Duc de H——. In the afternoon I studied. I did not go out except for half an hour on the terrace. I am very unhappy to-day. I am in a terrible state of mind; if this keeps on, I don't know what will become of me. How fortunate people who... more...