Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 1431-1440 results of 1768

CHAPTER I. THE IMPORTANCE OF A DOMINANT PURPOSE. The modern demand for intelligent co-operationThe same demand in relation to Foreign MissionsThe need for a definition of purposeThe failure of our present reports in this respectIs definition of purpose desirable?It is necessary for formulation of policySocieties with limited incomes cannot afford to pursue every good  objectThe admission of diverse... more...

A pylgremage, for pure deuocyõ. Enedemus. Signifieth to forsake. What new thynge ys it, that I se? doo I nat see Ogygyus my neybur, whom no mã could espie of all thes sex monthes before? yt was a sayng that he was deed, It is euen he, except that I be ferre deceyuyd. I wyll go to hym, & byd hym good morow. Good morow was faynyd of an old kynge of Thebanes.. Good morow to you Menedemus. Mene. I... more...

INTRODUCTION. Undoubtedly every human being is fitted for some sphere of usefulnesssome industry by which he can benefit mankind and support himself in comfort. Just what we are fitted for must, almost invariably, be decided by ourselves; and the sooner the better, else we may plod among the thousands whose lives are miserable failures for the reason that "they have missed their calling." In... more...

CHAPTER I THE OUTER DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOVING PICTURES It is arbitrary to say where the development of the moving pictures began and it is impossible to foresee where it will lead. What invention marked the beginning? Was it the first device to introduce movement into the pictures on a screen? Or did the development begin with the first photographing of various phases of moving objects? Or did it start... more...

I THE JEWISH COMMUNITY AT ALEXANDRIA The three great world-conquerors known to history, Alexander, Julius Cæsar, and Napoleon, recognized the pre-eminent value of the Jew as a bond of empire, an intermediary between the heterogeneous nations which they brought beneath their sway. Each in turn showed favor to his religion, and accorded him political privileges. The petty tyrants of all ages have... more...

RELATING TO CHIEF INSPECTOR OF MINES AND DISTRICT INSPECTORS OF MINES. Mining Laws of Ohio Sec. 898. Repealed. (Appointment of chief.) Sec. 899. [Qualifications of chief inspector of mines.] No person shall be appointed chief inspector of mines unless he has a competent knowledge, insofar as such sciences relate to mining, of chemistry, the mineralogy and geology of this state, a practical knowledge of... more...

FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF BIRMINGHAM. It is a fine autumnal morning in the year 1837. I am sitting on the box seat of a stage coach, in the yard of the Bull-and-Mouth, St. Martin's-le-Grand, in the City of London. The splendid gray horses seem anxious to be off, but their heads are held by careful grooms. The metal fittings of the harness glitter in the early sunlight. Jew pedlar-boys offer me razors... more...

THE SHAH NAMEH According to the traditions of former ages, recorded in the Bastan-nameh, the first person who established a code of laws and exercised the functions of a monarch in Persia, was Kaiumers. It is said that he dwelt among the mountains, and that his garments were made of the skins of beasts.   His reign was thirty years, and o'er the earth  He spread the blessings of paternal... more...

CHAPTER I STYLE IN PEN DRAWING Art, with its finite means, cannot hope to record the infinite variety and complexity of Nature, and so contents itself with a partial statement, addressing this to the imagination for the full and perfect meaning. This inadequation, and the artificial adjustments which it involves, are tolerated by right of what is known as artistic convention; and as each art has its... more...

PATRIOTIC PLAYS AND PAGEANTS PATRIOTIC PLAYS: THEIR USE AND VALUE THE primary value of the patriotic play lies in its appeal to the love of country, and its power to revitalize the past. The Youth of To-Day is put in touch with the Patriots of Yesterday. Historic personages become actual, vivid figures. The costumes, speech, manners, and ideas of bygone days take on new significance. The life of trail... more...