Fiction Books

Showing: 8381-8390 results of 11811

CHAPTER II SEE THE EYES "Good evening, sir. A bit gusty?" "Very much so, sergeant," I replied. "I think I will step into your hut for a moment and light my pipe if I may." "Certainly, sir. Matches are too scarce nowadays to take risks with 'em. But it looks as if the storm had blown over." "I'm not sorry," said I, entering the little hut like a... more...

BOOK IIB.C. 411. To follow the order of events (1). A few days later Thymochares arrived from Athens with a few ships, when another sea fight between the Lacedaemonians and Athenians at once took place, in which the former, under the command of Agesandridas, gained the victory. (1) Lit. "after these events"; but is hard to conjecture to whatevents the author refers. For the order of events and... more...

Having been requested to give an account of the sinking of the Bark Kathleen by a whale I will do the best I can, though I think that those who have read the papers know as much or more about it than I do. We sailed from New Bedford the 22d October, 1901, and with the exception of three weeks of the worst weather I have ever had on leaving home, everything went fairly well till we arrived out on the... more...

On January 23, 1946, two pocketed free-tailed bats (Tadarida femorosacca, Catalogue nos. 17852 and 17853) were obtained in a large cave 10 kilometers north-northeast of the village of Antiguo Morelos, in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. This extends the known range of this species to the Atlantic Slope and more than 300 miles to the northeast of Zacoalco, Jalisco, the only locality in central Mexico... more...

PROLOGUE. Beside a winding creek of the Lynher River, and not far from the Cornish borough of Saltash, you may find a roofless building so closely backed with cherry-orchards that the trees seem by their slow pressure to be thrusting the mud-walls down to the river's brink, there to topple and fall into the tide. The old trees, though sheeted with white blossom in the spring, bear little fruit,... more...

Raging, Trooper Lane hovered three thousand feet above Tammany Square. The cool cybrain surgically implanted in him was working on the problem. But Lane had no more patience. They'd sweat, he thought, hating the chill air-currents that threw his hovering body this way and that. He glared down at the three towers bordering on the Square. He spat, and watched the little white speck fall, fall. Lock... more...

CHAPTER XVIII. 1841-1842. Mr. Hope's Pamphlet on the Jerusalem Bishopric—His Value for the CanonLaw—Continued Correspondence of Mr. Hope and Mr. Newman on the JerusalemBishopric—Mr. Newman's Idea of a Monastery—Mr. Newman writes fromLittlemore, April 22, 1842—Dr. Pusey consults Mr. Hope on his Letter tothe Archbishop of Canterbury—Dr. Pusey and the Jerusalem Bishopric—Letters of... more...

I The oldest part of Stockholm is a little rocky island. Once it was the whole city. Popularly it is still spoken of as "The City." At one end of it stands the huge square-cut pile of the Royal Palace, looking with solemn indifference toward the more modern quarters across the ever hurried waters of the North River. Nearer the centre, and at the very top of the island, lies an open place called... more...

CHAPTER I MARBLES: WHERE MADE; TERMS OF THE GAMES; DIFFERENT GAMES; HOW TO ACQUIRE SKILL Each season has its own particular work for the farmer, and he does his work without direction from or consultation with his neighbors or any one else. Each season has its own particular games for the young folks, and they take to them without any suggestion from outsiders, just as young ducks take to water,... more...

by: Anonymous
Joshua 1:1 Now it happened after the death of Moses the servant of Yahweh, that Yahweh spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant, saying, 1:2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you, and all this people, to the land which I give to them, even to the children of Israel. 1:3 I have given you every place that the sole of your foot will tread on, as I told Moses.... more...