Spirituality Books

Showing: 21-30 results of 84

Among the myriad of relationships in life, the one between a Guru and disciple is most sacred and unique. In the book “Guru and Disciple”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides insight into the nature of the Guru-disciple relationship and offers in-depth answers to questions like: “What are definitions of Guru, and disciple? How is a Guru necessary in spiritual... more...

For those wondering how to lead a spiritual life, Pure Love emerges as an essential value. Naturally one begins inquiring into the ultimate meaning of love, true love, and unconditional love. Other questions may also arise, such as: To cultivate unconditional love, is forgiveness required? If so, how can I learn to practice forgiveness prayer? In the context of unconditional love, what is marriage? Can... more...

In the book “Death: Before, During & After”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions related to death and dying. Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “What is death?”, “What are the stages of dying and the signs of death?”, “What happens when you die?”, “Is there life after death, and can you provide proof of... more...

“Aptavani 2” is the second in a series of spiritual books titled “Aptavani”. In this series, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions of spiritual seekers. Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “What are the benefits of the different types of religion?”, “How do I understand spirituality vs. religion?”, “What are... more...

As much as we would prefer otherwise, life includes its measure of unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. In dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, in family relationships, or in the midst of marriage problems, clashes occur. We might even say that some of our relationships are the very definition of conflict! We ask ourselves, how can we possibly avoid conflict in these... more...

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may become curious as to what is ahimsa (non violence), and inspired to practice it. But understanding how to live in non violence is not as simple as it seems, and practicing no violence in daily life can quickly become bewildering. To someone just beginning to cultivate non-violence, daily interactions might even begin to feel like the very definition of... more...

Over the course of life, even in happy homes, it is only natural to encounter marriage problems. But, for some, the husband and wife relationship can be said to be the very definition of conflict! In the book “Harmony in Marriage”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual relationship tips related to maintaining a harmonious marriage. He offers marriage advice in... more...

Muitas pessoas lutam para entender o que é verdade, o que é certo e o que é errado. Existe um dilema contínuo para distinguir entre certo e errado. De acordo com Dada Bhagwan, o GnaniPurush (aquele que é iluminado), na vida terrena existem três tipos de verdade: a verdade absoluta ( doeu), a verdade relativa e a inverdade. Neste livro, Dadashriaborda o significado da verdade absoluta e relativa. A... more...

Si tú dices todo lo que ocurre es justo, no tendrás preguntas que hacer. Sin embargo la gente sigue buscando justicia fuera y además desea la liberación. Esto es una contradicción. No puedes tener las dos. Donde las preguntas terminan, empieza la liberación. En esta ciencia llamada Akram vignan (el camino corto al conocimiento del Ser) no quedan más preguntas. Por esto le es fácil a la gente... more...

Atualmente, preocupação, estresse e ansiedade parecem já fazer parte da rotina.. No entanto, quem não quer parar de se preocupar ou se pergunta como livrar-se da ansiedade? Quem não se pergunta o que é paz de espírito e como posso viver em paz? Alguns nos dizem: "Não se preocupem!", Ou "Parem de se preocupar e comecem a viver"; outros oferecem curas naturais para ansiedade, ou... more...