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Diejenigen, die ein spirituelles Leben führen möchten, können sich natürlich dazu inspirieren lassen, in Frieden und Gewaltlosigkeit zu leben. Um spirituelle Praktiken zu lernen, um diese Werte zu entwickeln, kann man sich an spirituelle Lehrer und an verschiedene Religionen wenden. Es ist jedoch nicht immer so einfach, das spirituelle Bewusstsein zu kultivieren, wie es scheint - insbesondere in...
Wenn du sagst, dass alles, was geschieht, Gerechtigkeit ist, wirst du keine Fragen mehr haben. Dennoch sind die Menschen auf der Suche nach Gerechtigkeit und wünschen sich gleichzeitig die Befreiung. Das ist widersprüchlich. Du kannst nicht beides haben. Wo Fragen aufhören beginnt die Befreiung. In dieser unserer Wissenschaft, genannt Akram Vignan (das stufenlose Wissen des Selbst), bleiben keine...
Depois de alcançar este Gnan (conhecimento da autorrealização), você será capaz de ver e analisar tudo o que acontece dentro de você. Essa análise interna é o domínio da Visão de Mundo Iluminada. Não a visão de mundo totalmente iluminada, mas uma fração dela. Você observará os pensamentos negativos e também os agradáveis. Não há apego aos pensamentos bons nem aversão aos pensamentos...
In the book “Noble Use of Money”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains that best charity means to offer happiness to others, for “when you give happiness to others, you get happiness in return”. Dadashri explains that, among the many ways to be happier, the simplest way to “buy happiness” is giving away money, especially in the form of anonymous donations....
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges in their sincere pursuit of spirituality and practice. As spiritual development progresses, facing the many unintentional mistakes made through mind, speech, and conduct become disconcerting. Naturally one begins to wonder, “How to forgive and forget in unhealthy relationships?”, “How to forgive yourself - both for mistakes of the...
Over the course of life, many people become puzzled by circumstances beyond their control – both their own and those of others. While investigating the principle of karma, one may still be left asking, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” In the book “The Science of Karma”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains a precise definition of karma, and how exactly it...
Aqueles que procuram levar uma vida espiritual podem naturalmente tornar-se inspirados a viver em paz e sem violência. Para aprender práticas espirituais para desenvolver estes valores, pode-se recorrer a professores espirituais, e a uma variedade de religiões. Mas começar a cultivar a consciência espiritual nem sempre é tão simples quanto parece - especialmente em relacionamentos familiares /...
There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. In painful circumstances, we naturally question, “Why me? Am I wrong? It’s not my fault!” Such situations may feel like the very definition of suffering. In the book “Fault is of the Sufferer”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual solutions to common and...
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life, or just wondering how to become more spiritual may become inspired towards serving others, or giving Seva (selfless service). One might be left wondering, “Is service to humanity a higher means to make a donation – or should I simply donate to charity? What are the best charities to donate to, or to serve? How does Seva support my spiritual development? Is...
SUPREME CONTROL OF CONDITIONS Conditions are thought made. Change your thought and you will change your condition. To agonize and struggle in a bad condition is like struggling in quicksand, you get in deeper. Tell your bad conditions to another and you multiply them. If the heavens are falling and the earth is slipping under your feet, grab a big Turkish towel, walk briskly into the supreme sanctuary...