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Spirituality Books
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It is said that parenting is the most important role in life, as well as the one for which there is the least amount of preparation! It is only natural to wonder how to be a good parent, to seek parenting advice, or to inquire into how to discipline children. Parenting teenagers requires the strongest parenting skills – and an almost endless supply of parenting tips. In the book “Generation gap”,...
“Aptavani 8” is the eighth in a series of spiritual books titled “Aptavani”. In this series, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions of spiritual seekers. Param Pujya Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “What does karma mean, and what is the law of karma?”, “How was the world created, and what is the journey of...
A lot of people struggle to understand what the truth is, what is right and what is wrong. There is perpetual dilemma to distinguish between right and wrong. According to Dada Bhagwan, the Gnani Purush (the enlightened one), in the worldly life there are three types of truth. One - absolute truth (self) second - relative truth and third - untruth. In this book, Dadashri has discussed the meaning of...
Depois de alcançar este Gnan (conhecimento da autorrealização), você será capaz de ver e analisar tudo o que acontece dentro de você. Essa análise interna é o domínio da Visão de Mundo Iluminada. Não a visão de mundo totalmente iluminada, mas uma fração dela. Você observará os pensamentos negativos e também os agradáveis. Não há apego aos pensamentos bons nem aversão aos pensamentos...
Na arena da espiritualidade, há pessoas espirituais únicas e notáveis que alcançaram os mais altos níveis de desenvolvimento espiritual. Alguns permanecem em reclusão, enquanto outros se tornam professores espirituais que apoiam a transformação espiritual da humanidade. Mas é extremamente raro encontrar um Gnani Purush (incorporação do conhecimento do Ser) e acessar seu poder espiritual para...
As much as we would prefer otherwise, life includes its measure of unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. In dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, in family relationships, or in the midst of marriage problems, clashes occur. We might even say that some of our relationships are the very definition of conflict! We ask ourselves, how can we possibly avoid conflict in these...
Every human being is living a life, but how much humanity does he have? Birth, education, job, marriage, kids, family and at the end…death! Is this the standard cycle of life that has to be followed? What is the ultimate goal of such a life? Why do we take birth? What do we want? The human body that we have received... should do the duty of being humane. There should be humanity in life. But what is...
In the book “Noble Use of Money”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains that best charity means to offer happiness to others, for “when you give happiness to others, you get happiness in return”. Dadashri explains that, among the many ways to be happier, the simplest way to “buy happiness” is giving away money, especially in the form of anonymous donations....
In today’s world, worry, stress and anxiety seem to have become part of daily life. Yet, who doesn’t wish to stop worrying, or wonder how to cure anxiety? Who doesn’t ask themselves what is peace of mind, and how can I live in peace? Some proclaim, “Do not worry!”, or “Stop worrying and start living”; others offer natural cures for anxiety, or teach how to get rid of negative thoughts. But...
In the book “Death: Before, During & After”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions related to death and dying. Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “What is death?”, “What are the stages of dying and the signs of death?”, “What happens when you die?”, “Is there life after death, and can you provide proof of...