Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 921-930 results of 1768

INTRODUCTION Man's inclination to decorate his belongings has always been one of the earliest signs of civilisation. Art had its beginning in the lines indented in clay, perhaps, or hollowed in the wood of family utensils; after that came crude colouring and drawing. Among the first serious efforts to draw were the Egyptian square and pointed things, animals and men. The most that artists of that... more...

by: Anonymous
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe / born at Francfort on the Main, August 28, 1749 / died at Weimar, March 22, 1832 / Painting by Karl Joseph Stieler in the New Pinacothek, Munich / Photograph by Piloty and Löhle, Munich   The Poet’s Room in the castle at Weimar / Bust of Frederick von Schiller on the right / Photograph by Louis Held, Weimar   Picturesque spot in Frankfort on the Main / Saalgasse (Saal... more...

Ata stated meeting of theMassachusetts Historical Society, held in Boston on Thursday, February 9, 1911, Dr.Samuel A. Greenpresented the following paper:—Few persons of the present day are aware how extensively piracy prevailed two centuries ago. There was no part of the high seas that was free from the depredation of roving robbers. At times they threatened towns on the coast, and at others they... more...

Preface THIS volume discloses the mental operations of perhaps the most thoroughly practical politician of the day—George Washington Plunkitt, Tammany leader of the Fifteenth Assembly District, Sachem of the Tammany Society and Chairman of the Elections Committee of Tammany Hall, who has held the offices of State Senator, Assemblyman', Police Magistrate, County Supervisor and Alderman, and who... more...

by: Plutarch
§ i. Come let us consider what one might say on the education of free children, and by what training they would become good citizens. § ii. It is perhaps best to begin with birth: I would therefore warn those who desire to be fathers of notable sons, not to form connections with any kind of women, such as courtesans or mistresses: for those who either on the father or mother's side are ill-born... more...

PREFACE. The public are here presented with the last literary attempt of an author, whose fame has been uncommonly extensive, and whose talents have probably been most admired, by the persons by whom talents are estimated with the greatest accuracy and discrimination. There are few, to whom her writings could in any case have given pleasure, that would have wished that this fragment should have been... more...

INTRODUCTION WHERE WE STAND TODAY WHAT WE HAVE The five states of Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California contain half the merchantable timber in the United States today—a fact of startling economic significance. It means first of all that here is an existing resource of incalculable local and national value. It means also that here lies the most promising field of production for all time.... more...

CHAPTER I DEMAND FOR INVENTIONS OF MERIT That there is a demand for inventions of merit which can be readily disposed of at a reasonable profit to the inventor, there can be no doubt. There perhaps never was a time in the history of our country when the demand for meritorious inventions was so great as the present. The conveniences of mankind, in all his varied vocations and callings, require continual... more...

PREFACE. The substance of the following pages was written several months since, and subsequently sent to the Institution of Civil Engineers, where it was read in abstract on the 16th of February in the present session. While our Engineering Literature contains several valuable Treatises on the Theory and Construction of the Locomotive Engine, it has, as yet, produced no work illustrating its Use. ... more...

PRACTICAL TAXIDERMY. CHAPTER I.THE RISE AND PROGRESS of TAXIDERMY. TAXIDERMY, which is derived from two Greek words, a literal translation of which would signify the "arrangement of skins," appears to have been practised in a limited degree ages ago, for may we not say without doubt that the first taxidermists were the ancient Egyptians, who, despite the fact that they seldom or never appear to... more...