Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 651-660 results of 1768

According to Plato's famous myth, two gifts of the gods equipped man for living: the one, arts and inventions to supply him with the means of livelihood; the other, reverence and justice to be the ordering principles of societies and the bonds of friendship and conciliation. Agencies for mastery over nature and agencies for coöperation among men remain the two great sources of human power. But... more...

The documentary materials collected in this booklet deal withreproduction of copyrighted works by educators, librarians, andarchivists for a variety of uses, including:  + Reproduction for teaching in educational institutions at all levels;    and  + Reproduction by libraries and archives for purposes of study,    research, interlibrary exchanges, and archival preservation. The... more...

This is the first public meeting of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. The original members were selected by an invitation from the American Social Science Association, which acted under the power of its charter from the Congress of the United States. The members thus selected, who joined the Social Science Association, were given the alternative of organizing as an independent institute or as... more...

WHAT IS COPYRIGHT? Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to the authors of "original works of authorship", including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works. Section 106 of the 1976 Copyright Act generally gives the owner of... more...

Except as otherwise provided in this title, as used in this title, the following terms and their variant forms mean the following: An "anonymous work" is a work on the copies or phonorecords of which no natural person is identified as author. An "architectural work" is the design of a building as embodied in any tangible medium of expression, including a building, architectural plans,... more...

BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION CONSIDERING THAT: The Universal Copyright Convention as revised at Paris on July 24, 1971, together with two related protocols, the text of which, as certified by the Director, Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, in the French, English and Spanish languages,... more...

The Copyright Question TORONTO, FEBRUARY 19, 1902 The Secretary, The Board of Trade, Toronto SIR— The Council of the Board of Trade lately adopted a resolution asking that Canadian Legislation be passed, giving effect to the Copyright Bill proposed in 1895 by Mr. Hall Caine, "making it obligatory that a book shall be printed and bound in this country in order to secure Canadian copyright, and... more...

The professed object of the Observations on the Corn Laws, which I published in the spring of 1814, was to state with the strictest impartiality the advantages and disadvantages which, in the actual circumstances of our present situation, were likely to attend the measures under consideration, respecting the trade in corn. A fair review of both sides of the question, without any attempt to conceal the... more...

INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. A paper read January 29th, 1878, before the New York Free-Trade Club. The questions relating to copyright belong naturally to the sphere of political economy. They have to do with the laws governing production, and with the principles regulating supply and demand; and they are directly dependent upon a due determining of the proper functions of legislation, and of the relations... more...

A revision of the corn laws, it is understood, is immediately to come under the consideration of the legislature. That the decision on such a subject, should be founded on a correct and enlightened view of the whole question, will be allowed to be of the utmost importance, both with regard to the stability of the measures to be adopted, and the effects to be expected from them. For an attempt to... more...