Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 641-650 results of 1768

PREFACE. An abstract of the investigations into the nature of carbonaceous infiltration into the pulmonary tissues of coal miners, was read by Dr Makellar at a meeting of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, Wednesday, 8th July, 1845, Dr Gairdner, President, in the Chair. Reference was made, in particular, to the East Lothian coal-miners. The carbonaceous disease described, was stated to be... more...

CHAPTER I. Valuation of Copper, Gold, Lead, Silver, Tin, and Zinc Lode Mines.DETERMINATION OF AVERAGE METAL CONTENT; SAMPLING, ASSAY PLANS, CALCULATIONS OF AVERAGES, PERCENTAGE OF ERRORS IN ESTIMATE FROM SAMPLING.The following discussion is limited to in situ deposits of copper, gold, lead, silver, tin, and zinc. The valuation of alluvial deposits, iron, coal, and other mines is each a special science... more...

CHAP. 1. Of the situation of the Towne ofKnaresborow. naresbrugh (commonly called Knaresborow) is a very ancient Market towne in the West-Riding of Yorkeshire, distant 14 miles from the City of Yorke; where the Pole is elevated 54 degrees, and 20 odde minutes. On the South-west part thereof is that faire, and goodly Fort, so much renowned, both for the pleasant situation, and remarkable strength,... more...

CHAPTER I. FAMILY—SCHOOL—COLLEGE. In the seventeenth century it was not the custom to publish two volumes upon every man or woman whose name had appeared on a title-page. Nor, where lives of authors were written, were they written with the redundancy of particulars which is now allowed. Especially are the lives of the poets and dramatists obscure and meagrely recorded. Of Milton, however, we know... more...

THE DEATH OF MR. MILL. (May 1873.) The tragic commonplaces of the grave sound a fuller note as we mourn for one of the greater among the servants of humanity. A strong and pure light is gone out, the radiance of a clear vision and a beneficent purpose. One of those high and most worthy spirits who arise from time to time to stir their generation with new mental impulses in the deeper things, has... more...

INTRODUCTION I. ON MILLET'S CHARACTER AS AN ARTIST The distinctive features of Millet's art are so marked that the most inexperienced observer easily identifies his work. As a painter of rustic subjects, he is unlike any other artists who have entered the same field, even those who have taken his own themes. We get at the heart of the matter when we say that Millet derived his art directly... more...

The Governor to the Secretary of State. Government House,St. John's,8th July, 1908. My Lord, I have the honour to inform you that I left St. John's on the 28th May to visit the settlement of the Micmac Indians at Bay d'Espoir, on the south coast of this Island. Bay d'Espoir is a long inlet of the sea, extending up country over a score of miles. The district is hilly, and is covered... more...

CHAPTER I I The Buonarroti Simoni, to whom Michelangelo belonged, were a Florentine family of ancient burgher nobility. Their arms appear to have been originally "azure two bends or." To this coat was added "a label of four points gules inclosing three fleur-de-lys or." That augmentation, adopted from the shield of Charles of Anjou, occurs upon the scutcheons of many Guelf houses and... more...

I. ON MICHELANGELO'S CHARACTER AS AN ARTIST. Michelangelo's place in the world of art is altogether unique. His supremacy is acknowledged by all, but is understood by a few only. In the presence of his works none can stand unimpressed, yet few dare to claim any intimate knowledge of his art. The quality so vividly described in the Italian word terribilità is his predominant trait. He is one... more...

An Attempt to account for the Production of a Shower of Stones, that fell in Tuscany, on the 16th of June, 1794; and to shew that there are Traces of similar Events having taken place, in the highest Ages of Antiquity. In the course of which Detail is also inserted, an Account of an extraordinary Hail-stone, that fell, with many others, in Cornwall, on the 20th of October, 1791. Having received this... more...