- Non-Classifiable 1768
Non-Classifiable Books
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THE LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATES I POLITICAL SPEECHES & DEBATES of LINCOLN WITH DOUGLAS In the Senatorial Campaign of 1858 in Illinois SPEECH AT SPRINGFIELD, JUNE 17, 1858 [The following speech was delivered at Springfield, Ill., at the close of the Republican State Convention held at that time and place, and by which Convention Mr. LINCOLN had been named as their candidate for United States Senator....
EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, AND NEURASTHENIA CHAPTER I MAJOR AND MINOR EPILEPSY (Grand and Petit Mal) "My son is sore vexed, for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and ofttimes into the water."—Matthew xvii, 15. "Oft, too, some wretch before our startled sight, Struck as with lightning with some keen disease, Drops sudden: By the dread attack o'erpowered He foams, he groans, he trembles, and...
INTRODUCTION The Russians have three grand popular tales, the subjects of which are thievish adventures. One is called the Story of Klim, another is called the Story of Tim, and the third is called the Story of Tom. Below we present a translation of the Story of Tim. That part of the tale in which Tim inquires of the drowsy Archimandrite as to the person to whom the stolen pelisse is to be awarded,...
Hugh Miller
CHAPTER I. Preparation—Departure—Recent and Ancient Monstrosities—A Free Church Yacht—Down the Clyde—Jura—Prof. Walker's Experiment—Whirlpool near Scarba—Geological Character of the Western Highlands—An Illustration—Different Ages of Outer and Inner Hebrides—Mt. Blanc and the Himalayas "mere upstarts"—Esdaile Quarries—Oban—A Section through Conglomerate and...
DISCOVERY OF THE TABLETS. The baked clay tablets and portions of tablets which describe the views and beliefs of the Babylonians and Assyrians about the Creation were discovered by Mr. (later Sir) A.H. Layard, Mormuzd Rassam and George Smith, Assistant in the Department of Oriental Antiquities in the British Museum. They were found among the ruins of the Palace and Library of Ashur-bani-pal (B.C....
Blythe Harding
THE DIALOGUE. What is a republic? —A state, or Union of states, in which the people holds supreme power. How does the people exercise this power? —Through men elected for this purpose. What are these men called? —Senators and members of Congress or Congressmen. Is there a head or chief in a republic? —Certainly. What is he called? —The President. Must the President be elected? —Yes, by the...
Chapter I.COLOR NAMES. Writing from Samoa to Sidney Colvin in London, Stevenson says: “Perhaps in the same way it might amuse you to send us any pattern of wall paper that might strike you as cheap, pretty, and suitable for a room in a hot and extremely bright climate. It should be borne in mind that our climate can be extremely dark, too. Our sitting-room is to be in varnished wood. The room I have...
CHARACTER SKETCHES OF ROMANCE, FICTION, AND THE DRAMA. Mark Tapley, a serving companion of Martin Chuzzlewit, who goes out with him to Eden, in North America. Mark Tapley thinks there is no credit in being jolly in easy circumstances; but when in Eden he found every discomfort, lost all his money, was swindled by every one, and was almost killed by fevers, then indeed he felt it would be a real credit...
Sheldon Dibble
INTRODUCTORY LETTER. To my Classmates in Theology. Dear Brethren in Christ:—Few periods of our lives can be called to mind with so much ease and distinctness, as the years which we spent together in theological studies. The events of that short season, and the sentiments we then indulged, are clothed with a freshness and interest which the lapse of time cannot efface. Among the questions that...