Coming of Age Books

CHAPTER I. MISS PINSHON. I want an excuse to myself for writing my own life; an excuse for the indulgence of going it all over again, as I have so often gone over bits. It has not been more remarkable than thousands of others. Yet every life has in it a thread of present truth and possible glory. Let me follow out the truth to the glory. The first bright years of my childhood I will pass. They were... more...

Juliet is the innocent freshman at university. Seth is the mysterious stranger. Too handsome to be real, he barely looks human. Most telling of all, he has three sets of bite marks down his throat. He denies being a vampire, though he openly admits he's nothing but trouble... until that fateful day when he kisses Juliet and her vision opens to show violence, death, a reality she can no longer... more...

CHAPTER I “SNUGGY” AND THE ROSE PONY “Hi, Rose! Up, girl! There’s another party making for the View by the far path. Get a move on, Rosie.” The strawberry roan tossed her cropped mane and her dainty little hoofs clattered more quickly over the rocky path which led up from the far-reaching grazing lands of Sunset Ranch to the summit of the rocky eminence that bounded the valley upon the east.... more...