Body, Mind & Spirit Books

Showing: 51-60 results of 137

Thoughts are forces—like builds like and like attracts like. Thoughts of strength both build strength from within and attract it from without. Thoughts of weakness actualize weakness from within and attract it from without. Courage begets strength, fear begets weakness. And so courage begets success, fear begets failure. Any way the old world goesHappy be the weather!With the red thorn or the... more...

Para aqueles que se perguntam como levar uma vida espiritual, o Amor Puro emerge como um valor essencial. Naturalmente se começa a indagar sobre o significado maior do amor, do verdadeiro amor e do amor incondicional. Outras questões também podem surgir, como por exemplo: Para cultivar o amor incondicional, é necessário o perdão? Em caso afirmativo, como posso aprender a praticar a oração do... more...

O que é Caridade/Doação: Proporcionar felicidade a outros seres vivos, humanos ou animais. Quando você dá felicidade aos outros, recebe felicidade em troca. Apesar de doar seus próprios pertences, você se sente bem porque fez algo bom. Quando alguém experimentaria a felicidade sem fim? Isso acontecerá quando você deixar de lado a única coisa deste mundo que mais ama. Em questões terrenas, o... more...

CHAPTER I. Rise and Progress of Superstition—The Serpent—Cain's Departure from the true Worship—Worship of the Sun, Moon, and Stars—Strange Story of Abraham—The Gods of Antiquity—Ether, Air, Land, and Water filled with living Souls—Guardian Angel—Cause of the Flood—Magic—How the Jews deceived the Devil—A Witch not permitted to live—Diviners, Enchanters, Consulters with... more...

Wenn ein Mensch leidet, geschieht das auf Grund seiner eigenen Fehler. Wenn ein Mensch glücklich ist, ist das die Belohnung für seine guten Taten. Aber das Gesetz der Welt beschuldigt den Nimit (der scheinbar ’Handelnde’ – derjenige, der das Leiden verursacht). Gottes Gesetz, das Wahre Gesetz, findet den wahren Schuldigen. Dieses Gesetz ist exakt und niemand kann es jemals ändern. Es gibt kein... more...

Wie kann Frieden herrschen? Um Frieden zu schaffen, musst du Dharma (Religion, Pflichten, moralischer Verhaltenskodex) verstehen. Du solltest allen zu Hause sagen: "Wir sind nicht die Feinde des anderen; niemand sollte Streit mit dem anderen haben. Es gibt keinen Grund, Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu haben. Lasst uns das, was wir haben, miteinander teilen,und lasst uns glücklich sein." So solltet... more...

PRELIMINARY REPORT OF The Seybert Commission for Investigating Modern Spiritualism. To the Trustees of The University of Pennsylvania: 'The Seybert Commission for Investigating Modern Spiritualism' respectfully present the following Preliminary Report, and request that the Commission be continued, on the following grounds: The Commission is composed of men whose days are already filled with... more...

THE LIFE OF WILLIAM LILLY, STUDENT IN ASTROLOGY. Wrote by himself in the 66th Year of his Age, at Hersham, in the Parish of Walton-upon-Thames, in the County of Surry. Propria Manu. I was born in the county of Leicester, in an obscure town, in the north-west borders thereof, called Diseworth, seven miles south of the town of Derby, one mile from Castle-Donnington, a town of great rudeness, wherein it... more...

THE GOLDEN AGE LIES ONWARD. "The Golden Age lies onward, not behind.The pathway through the past has led us up:The pathway through the future will lead on,And higher." The Life Radiant is that transfiguration of the ordinary daily events and circumstances which lifts them to the spiritual plane and sees them as the signs and the indications of the divine leading. Every circumstance thus becomes... more...

CHAPTER I It has been our fate, among all the innumerable generations of mankind, to face the most frightful calamity that has ever befallen the world. There is a basic fact which cannot be denied, and should not be overlooked. For a most important deduction must immediately follow from it. That deduction is that we, who have borne the pains, shall also learn the lesson which they were intended to... more...