Sports & Recreation Books

Showing: 21-30 results of 34

FISHING WITH A WORM "The last fish I caught was with a worm."—IZAAK WALTON. A defective logic is the born fisherman's portion. He is a pattern of inconsistency. He does the things which he ought not to do, and he leaves undone the things which other people think he ought to do. He observes the wind when he should be sowing, and he regards the clouds, with temptation tugging familiarly at... more...

by: Zane Grey
ZANE GREY By W. Livingston Larned Been to Avalon with Grey ... been most everywhere;Chummed with him and fished with him in every Sportsman’slair.Helped him with the white Sea-bass and Barracuda haul,Shared the Tuna’s sprayful sport and heard his Hunter-call,Me an’ Grey are fishin’ friends.... Pals of rod and reel,Whether it’s the sort that fights ... or th’ humble eel,On and on, through... more...

by: Unknown
A stands for ARTHUR, a boy fond of fun,When Base-Ball he plays, none like him can run. B stands for BALL, for BAT, and for BASE. C stands for CATCHER, with mask on his face. D stands for DIAMOND drawn flat on the ground. E stands for EDWARD, who marks out the bound. F stands for FOUL on which Arthur goes out. G stands for "GO"—How the merry boys shout! H stands for HIGH-BALL, knocked up to... more...

The Author hopes that this book may prove of some interest to anglers by giving a short account of the fishing which is to be obtained in a part of the world hitherto little exploited, and well worthy of better acquaintance. British Columbia only became fairly easy of access after the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1887, which placed it within two weeks' journey from London. Before... more...

San Francisco Bay is so large that often its storms are more disastrous to ocean-going craft than is the ocean itself in its violent moments. The waters of the bay contain all manner of fish, wherefore its surface is ploughed by the keels of all manner of fishing boats manned by all manner of fishermen. To protect the fish from this motley floating population many wise laws have been passed, and there... more...

CHAPTER I. THREE YEARS AFTER. "This is the spot, Bessie," said Levi Fairfield, as he paused on the bank of the brook which flows into the bay near Mike's Point. "But what was the thing you made?" asked Bessie Watson, as she looked with interest at the place indicated, though she could not see anything very remarkable, or even strange. "It was a young saw-mill," laughed... more...

PREFACE. The “first edition” has been a favourite theme for the scorn of those who love it not. “The first edition—and the worst!” gibes a modern poet, and many are the true lovers of literature entirely insensitive to the accessory, historical or sentimental, associations of books. The present writer possesses a copy of one of Walton’s Lives, that of Bishop Sanderson, with the author’s... more...

by: Anonymous
INTRODUCTION. Riding on Horseback is, confessedly, one of the most graceful, agreeable, and salutary of feminine recreations. No attitude, perhaps, can be regarded as more elegant than that of a lady in the modern side-saddle; nor can any exercise be deemed capable of affording more rational and innocent delight, than that of the female equestrian. Pursued in the open air, it affords a most rapid, and,... more...

The Golfer’s Rubáiyát I WAKE! for the sun has driven in equal flightThe stars before him from the Tee of Night,And holed them every one without a Miss,Swinging at ease his gold-shod Shaft of Light. WAKE, Loiterer! for already Dawn is seenWith her red marker on the eastern Green,And summons all her Little Ones to changeA joyous Three for every sad Thirteen. III AND as the Cock crew, those who stood... more...

Pisces Fluviales—RIVER FISH. Salmo—The Salmon. Trutta—The Trout. Thymallus—The Grayling. Capito Seu Cephalus—The Chub. Salmonidæ—Smelts. Anguilla—The Eel. Various seu Phocinus—The Minnow. Cobitus Fluviatilis Barbatula—The Loach. I deem a very brief notice of the above varieties of fish sufficient,—they have been described over and over again by much abler pens than mine, and I... more...