Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 821-830 results of 1768

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY The term subsidy, defined in the dictionaries as a Government grant in aid of a commercial enterprise, is given different shadings of meaning in different countries. In all, however, except Great Britain, it is broadly accepted as equivalent to a bounty, or a premium, open or concealed, directly or indirectly paid by Government to individuals or companies for the encouragement or... more...

HARRISON'S NURSURY PICTURE BOOK, CONTAINING SEVENTY INTERESTING ENGRAVINGS. Printed and published by J. Harrison,AND SOLD BYTHE LONDON BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS.Price Sixpence. ENGRAVINGS.PRINTED BY J. HARRISON, DEVIZES, AND SOLD BY THE London Booksellers and Stationers.PRICE SIXPENCE. The little Pony and his rider. The little Automaton Lady. Crusoe preparing to build a House. Crusoe rescues his... more...

INTRODUCTORY. The year 1882 was the centenary of Froebel's birth, and in the present "plentiful lack" of faithful translations of Froebel's own words we proposed to the Froebel Society to issue a translation of the "Education of Man," which we would undertake to make at our own cost, that the occasion might be marked in a manner worthy of the English branch of the Kindergarten... more...

PROLOGUE [AFRICA AND HER SISTERS.] Some fifteen years now I have been her guest,For all this land's hers, tho' she does not reign.She's but a ward, at what late age she'll gainHer freedom and her kingdom, it were bestTo risk no surmise rash. E'en now she's drestSometimes in skins. Give her ground-nuts and grain,Cattle and thatch'd hut, then she'll not... more...

INTRODUCTORY NOTE The collected addresses and state papers of Elihu Root, of which this is one of several volumes, cover the period of his service as Secretary of War, as Secretary of State, and as Senator of the United States, during which time, to use his own expression, his only client was his country. The many formal and occasional addresses and speeches, which will be found to be of a remarkably... more...

The Pioneer SteamshipSAVANNAH: A Study for a Scale Model The original plans of the pioneer transatlantic steamer Savannah no longer exist, and many popular representations of the famous vessel have been based on a 70-year-old model in the United States National Museum. This model, however, differs in several important respects from contemporary illustrations. To correct these apparent inaccuracies in a... more...

The Spirit of Lafayette I A few years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence a hostile Mohawk chief met in council a representative of the young American republics for the purpose of concluding a treaty of peace. The representative of young democracy was a soldier of France, the Marquis de Lafayette. Primitive America on the one hand, ancient Europe on the other! "Father," said... more...

It has often been felt a delightful exercise by the child of God, to take, night by night, an individual promise and plead it at the mercy-seat. Often are our prayers pointless, from not following, in this respect, the example of the sweet Psalmist of Israel, the Royal Promise pleader, who delighted to direct his finger to some particular “word” of the Faithful Promiser, saying, “Remember Thy... more...

"Oh, heard ye of a silly harper,Wha lang lived in Lochmaben town,How he did gang to fair England,To steal King Henry's wanton brown?" Once upon a time, there was an old man in Lochmaben, who made his livelihood by going round the country playing on his harp. He was very old, and very blind, and there was such a simple air about him, that people were inclined to think that he had not all his... more...

AN EXTRAORDINARY PIRATICAL PLOT A most curiously well-concocted piratical scheme to publish, without his knowledge or consent, a complete collection of Mr. Whistler's "American Register," Paris, March 8, 1890. writings, letters, pamphlets, lectures, &c., has been nipped in the bud on the very eve of its accomplishment. It appears that the book was actually in type and ready for issue,... more...