Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 791-800 results of 1768

RELATING TO CHIEF INSPECTOR OF MINES AND DISTRICT INSPECTORS OF MINES. Mining Laws of Ohio Sec. 898. Repealed. (Appointment of chief.) Sec. 899. [Qualifications of chief inspector of mines.] No person shall be appointed chief inspector of mines unless he has a competent knowledge, insofar as such sciences relate to mining, of chemistry, the mineralogy and geology of this state, a practical knowledge of... more...

CHAPTER I.GENERAL INFORMATION. Mink are found in nearly all parts of America living along creeks, rivers, lakes and ponds. While strictly speaking they are not a water animal, yet their traveling for food and otherwise is mainly near the water, so that the trapper finds this the best place to set his traps. The mink is fond of fish, rabbit, squirrel, birds, mice, etc. In some sections they eat muskrat,... more...

CHAPTER I. THE IMPORTANCE OF A DOMINANT PURPOSE. The modern demand for intelligent co-operationThe same demand in relation to Foreign MissionsThe need for a definition of purposeThe failure of our present reports in this respectIs definition of purpose desirable?It is necessary for formulation of policySocieties with limited incomes cannot afford to pursue every good  objectThe admission of diverse... more...

CHAPTER I. HOW IT CAME ABOUT THAT I WENT TO CANADA. All things are wonderfully ordered for us by God. Such has been my experience for a long time past. If only we will wait and watch, the way will open for us. Where shall I begin with my history as a Missionary? When I was a child, it was my mother's hope and wish that I should bear the glad tidings of the Gospel to distant lands. She was a... more...

INTRODUCTION Immediately after the awful barbarism which disgraced the State of Georgia in April of last year, during which time more than a dozen colored people were put to death with unspeakable barbarity, I published a full report showing that Sam Hose, who was burned to death during that time, never committed a criminal assault, and that he killed his employer in self-defense. Since that time I... more...

INTRODUCTION AIMS AND PURPOSES OF SPEAKING It is obvious that the style of your public speaking will depend upon the specific purpose you have in view. If you have important truths which you wish to make known, or a great and definite cause to serve, you are likely to speak about it with earnestness and probably with eloquence. If, however, your purpose in speaking is a selfish one—if your object is... more...

GEORGE CARY EGGLESTON SOUTHERN LITERATURE [Speech of George Cary Eggleston at the first annual banquet of the New York Southern Society, February 22, 1887. Algernon Sidney Sullivan, President of the Society, was in the chair. In introducing the speaker Mr. Sullivan said: "We want to hear a word about 'Southern Literature,' and we will now call upon Mr. George Cary Eggleston to respond to... more...

by: Various
THOMAS NELSON PAGE THE TORCH OF CIVILIZATION [Speech of Thomas Nelson Page at the twentieth annual dinner of the New England Society in the City of Brooklyn, December 21, 1899. The President, Frederic A. Ward, said: "In these days of blessed amity, when there is no longer a united South or a disunited North, when the boundary of the North is the St. Lawrence and the boundary of the South the Rio... more...

One of the worst characteristics of modern fiction is its so-called truth to nature. For fiction is an art, as painting is, as sculpture is, as acting is. A photograph of a natural object is not art; nor is the plaster cast of a man's face, nor is the bare setting on the stage of an actual occurrence. Art requires an idealization of nature. The amateur, though she may be a lady, who attempts to... more...

I THE EYE OF INDIA A voyage to India nowadays is a continuous social event. The passengers compose a house party, being guests of the Steamship company for the time. The decks of the steamer are like broad verandas and are covered with comfortable chairs, in which the owners lounge about all day. Some of the more industrious women knit and embroider, and I saw one good mother with a basket full of... more...