Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 591-600 results of 1768

SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR THE STORY-TELLER Concerning the fundamental points of method in telling a story, I have little to add to the principles which I have already stated as necessary, in my opinion, in the book of which this is, in a way, the continuation. But in the two years which have passed since that book was written, I have had the happiness of working on stories and the telling of them, among... more...

A for the APPLEor Alphabet pie,Which all get a slice of.Come taste it & try. B is the BABYwho gave Mr BuntingFull many a long day'srabbit skin hunting. C for the CATthat played on the fiddle,When cows jumped higher than'Heigh Diddle Diddle!' D for the DAMEwith her pig at the stile,'Tis said they got over,but not yet a while. E for the Englishman,ready to make fastThe giant who... more...

by: Unknown
LITTLE PRESENT. The Squirrel leaps from tree to tree. The Hive doth hold the honey-bee. The pretty Butterfly is seen, When little girls trip o’er the green. The Owl until the evening sleeps. The Serpent on his belly creeps. The Lion roars, the woods resound. The raging Bull tears up the ground. The Raven for his food doth cry. The Eagle soars exceeding high. Whilst the Plowman drives his Plow. Betty... more...

THE YOUNG TAMLANE The young Tamlane had lived among mortals for only nine short years ere he was carried away by the Queen of the Fairies, away to live in Fairyland. His father had been a knight of great renown, his mother a lady of high degree, and sorry indeed were they to lose their son. And this is how it happened. One day, soon after Tamlane's ninth birthday, his uncle came to him and said,... more...

"It is but a step from Confucius to confusion," said I, in a brief discussion of the Chinese question. "Then let us take it by all means," replied the artist, who had been an indulgent listener for at least ten minutes. We were strolling upon the verge of the Chinese Quarter in San Francisco, and, turning aside from one of the chief thoroughfares of the city, we plunged into the busiest... more...

by: Confucius
THE ANALECTS BOOK I On Learning—Miscellaneous Sayings:— "To learn," said the Master, "and then to practise opportunely what one has learnt—does not this bring with it a sense of satisfaction? "To have associates in study coming to one from distant parts—does not this also mean pleasure in store? "And are not those who, while not... more...

~PART I.~ CHINOOK-ENGLISH. NOTE.—The references, "Hale," "Cook," "Jewitt," are respectively toHale's "Ethnology of the United States Exploring Expedition," "Cook'sVoyages," and "Jewitt's Narrative." The others, as "Anderson," "Pandosy,""Shaw," "Tolmie," are from manuscript notes of those gentlemen... more...

Introduction The supraspecific categories of the chipmunks, as in most other groups of squirrels, have been a source of controversy for many years. Before presenting new evidence and a review of older evidence bearing on the problem, it seems desirable to review briefly in chronological order, the taxonomic history of the genera and subgenera of the chipmunks. Linnaeus (1758:64) described the eastern... more...

CHAPTER I. Chopin—Style and Improvements—The Adagio of the Second Concerto—Funeral March—Psychological Character of the Compositions of Chopin, &c., &c. Deeply regretted as he may be by the whole body of artists, lamented by all who have ever known him, we must still be permitted to doubt if the time has even yet arrived in which he, whose loss is so peculiarly deplored by ourselves,... more...

CHAP. I. The Description of the Cocao-Tree. The Cocao-Tree is moderately tall and thick, and either thrives, or not, according to the Quality of the Soil wherein it grows: Upon the Coast of Caraqua, for instance, it grows considerably larger than in the Islands belonging to the French. Its Wood is porous, and very light; the Bark is pretty firm, and of the Colour of Cinnamon, more or less dark,... more...