Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 541-550 results of 1768

THE GOODWIN SANDS 'Would'st thou,' so the helmsman answered,'Learn the secrets of the sea?Only those who brave its dangersComprehend its mystery.' The Goodwin Sands are a great sandbank, eight miles long and about four miles wide, rising out of deep water four miles off Deal at their nearest point to the mainland. They run lengthwise from north to south, and their breadth is... more...

A LAWGIVER OF THE STONE AGE. By HORATIO HALE, of Clinton, Ontario,Canada. What was the intellectual capacity of man when he made his first appearance upon the earth? Or, to speak with more scientific precision (as the question relates to material evidences), what were the mental powers of the people who fashioned the earliest stone implements, which are admitted to be the oldest remaining traces of our... more...

The term "high finance" derives its origin from the French "haute finance," which in France as elsewhere in Europe designates the most eminently respectable, the most unqualifiedly trustworthy amongst financial houses. Why has that term, in becoming acclimated in this country, gradually come to suggest a rather different meaning? Why does there exist in the United States, alone amongst... more...

by: Anonymous
INTRODUCTORY BOOK. 1. Father kissed us and said, "Good-bye, dears. Be good children, and help mother as much as you can. The year will soon pass away. What a merry time we will have when I come back again!" 2. Father kissed mother, and then stepped into the train. The guard blew his whistle, and the train began to move. We waved good-bye until it was out of sight. 3. Then we all began to... more...

Of the above list, twenty (distinguished by one cross) are in Yájnavalkya's list: seventeen of these are named by ParáÅ›ara, viz. all except Yama, Brihaspati and Vyása, instead of whom he gives KaÅ›yapa, Gárgya and Prachetas: the Padma Puráṇa gives those named by Yájnavalkya, with the exception of Atri, and seventeen others, (distinguished by two crosses) three... more...

by: Anonymous
INTRODUCTION Honor to Gunesh, God of WisdomThis book of Counsel read, and you shall see,Fair speech and Sanscrit lore, and Policy. On the banks of the holy river Ganges there stood a city named Pataliputra. The King of it was a good King and a virtuous, and his name was Sudarsana. It chanced one day that he overheard a certain person reciting these verses—"Wise men, holding wisdom highest, scorn... more...

CHAPTER I Long, long ago there lived far away in India a woodcutter called Subha Datta and his family, who were all very happy together. The father went every day to the forest near his home to get supplies of wood, which he sold to his neighbours, earning by that means quite enough to give his wife and children all that they needed. Sometimes he took his three boys with him, and now and then, as a... more...

I. On Girls "A Pearl, A Girl."-Browning There are of course, girls and girls; yet at heart they are pretty much alike. In age, naturally, they differ wildly. But this is a thorny subject. Suffice it to say that all men love all girls-the maid of sweet sixteen equally with the maid of untold age. * * * There is something exasperatingly something-or-otherish about girls. And they know it—which... more...

CHAPTER I. It is a little remarkable that, while some classes of christians do not tolerate the preaching of a written discourse, others have an equal prejudice against all sermons which have not been carefully precomposed. Among the latter are to be found those who favor an educated ministry, and whose preachers are valued for their cultivated minds and extensive knowledge. The former are, for the... more...

PREFACE. In no department of Pathology has advance been so fitful and interrupted as in that dealing with blood changes in various forms of disease, though none now offers a field that promises such an abundant return for an equal expenditure of time and labour. Observations of great importance were early made by Wharton Jones, Waller, and Hughes Bennett in this country, and by Virchow and Max Schultze... more...