Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 491-500 results of 1768

PREFACE Let it be made clear at the very outset of this Preface that the pages which follow do not pretend to be a history of piracy, but are simply an attempt to gather together, from various sources, particulars of those redoubtable pirates and buccaneers whose names have been handed down to us in a desultory way. I do not deal here with the children of fancy; I believe that every man, or woman... more...

by: Anonymous
ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN WOODWARD AND FIVE SEAMEN IN THE ISLAND OF CELEBES. In the year 1791, Woodward sailed from Boston in the ship Robert Morris, Captain Hay, for the East Indies. On his arrival there he was employed in making country voyages until the 20th of January, when he sailed as chief-mate in an American ship from Batavia bound to Manilla. In passing through the straits of Macassar, they found... more...

Ata stated meeting of theMassachusetts Historical Society, held in Boston on Thursday, February 9, 1911, Dr.Samuel A. Greenpresented the following paper:—Few persons of the present day are aware how extensively piracy prevailed two centuries ago. There was no part of the high seas that was free from the depredation of roving robbers. At times they threatened towns on the coast, and at others they... more...

INTRODUCTION This discussion of the characters of Pinus is an attempt to determine their taxonomic significance and their utility for determining the limits of the species. A systematic arrangement follows, based on the evolution of the cone and seed from the comparatively primitive conditions that appear in Pinus cembra to the specialized cone and peculiar dissemination of Pinus radiata and its... more...

This is the old gentleman who used to walk in front of steam-driven carriages on the King's highway. He carried in his hand a red flag which he waved. This is the traction-engine which always came behind the old gentleman, and made such a dreadful noise. If the roads were good it could travel four miles in one hour. This is the old gentleman getting out of the way of a motor car. This is a Motor... more...

by: Anonymous
No description available

It is evening; the sun is setting, and the shepherd, who tends the flocks of little Mary's Papa, is, with his good little dog, driving the sheep to the fold, where they will rest in safety. That is his cottage which stands on the other side of the road.The tongs stood in the room where Mary oft staid,And the lantern gave light to the hall where she play'd.The table was placed in the corner... more...

  THE FUNNY   A was an Actor, ’Tis clear to your view: B was three Boys, Forming letters for you. C was a clown, who clever was found. D was a dunce, and Harlequin bound, E was soon formed with the aid of a child, F in a frolic appear’d to be wild. G was George Godfrey, a truant I fear, H hand in hand, like two pillars appear. I was an Indian figure for thee: J was Jemima Mermaid, only see. K... more...

HARRISON'S NURSURY PICTURE BOOK, CONTAINING SEVENTY INTERESTING ENGRAVINGS. Printed and published by J. Harrison,AND SOLD BYTHE LONDON BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS.Price Sixpence. ENGRAVINGS.PRINTED BY J. HARRISON, DEVIZES, AND SOLD BY THE London Booksellers and Stationers.PRICE SIXPENCE. The little Pony and his rider. The little Automaton Lady. Crusoe preparing to build a House. Crusoe rescues his... more...

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