Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 1571-1580 results of 1768

FOREWORD This revised and greatly enlarged edition of "Pushing to the Front" is the outgrowth of an almost world-wide demand for an extension of the idea which made the original small volume such an ambition-arousing, energizing, inspiring force. It is doubtful whether any other book, outside of the Bible, has been the turning-point in more lives. It has sent thousands of youths, with renewed... more...

About Sugar Buying Jobbers who have had considerable experience in exchange operations will find in this booklet a simplified and non-technical description of activities with which they may be in general familiar. We believe, however, that the inauguration of trading in refined sugar futures on the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange, Inc., throws open a new realm of opportunity. We have attempted to... more...

SUCCESS Success—that is the royal road we all want to tread, for the echo off its flagstones sounds pleasantly in the mind. It gives to man all that the natural man desires: the opportunity of exercising his activities to the full; the sense of power; the feeling that life is a slave, not a master; the knowledge that some great industry has quickened into life under the impulse of a single brain. To... more...

CHAPTER I. THE VILLAGE—THE NEW SUNDAY-SCHOOL—THE SUPERINTENDENT—A REVIVAL. M—— is a small village in the west of England, delightfully situated in a wooded pleasant valley. Through it runs the parish road, which—as it leads to the seashore, from whence the farmers of that and the neighboring parishes bring great quantities of sand and seaweed as manure—frequently presents, in the summer,... more...

FRACTURES A fracture may be defined as a sudden solution in the continuity of a bone. Pathological Fractures A pathological fracture has as its primary cause some diseased state of the bone, which permits of its giving way on the application of a force which would be insufficient to break a healthy bone. It cannot be too strongly emphasised that when a bone is found to have been broken by a slight... more...

PLATE I.1.Ligature of Aorta—Sir A. Cooper's incision.2.Ligature of Aorta—South and Murray's incision.3.Ligature of Common Iliac.4.Ligature of External Iliac—Sir A. Cooper's.5.Ligature of Femoral in Scarpa's triangle.6.Ligature of Femoral below Sartorius.7.Ligature of Innominate.8.Ligature of third part of Left Subclavian.9.Ligature of Axillary in its first part.10.Ligature of... more...

Report on Surgery. In presenting this report I will not attempt to give any historical data connected with the subject of surgery, since that has been ably done in the report of last year. I shall assume, and that without hesitation, that surgery is a science, properly so-called. That it is an art, is also true. But what is science? What is art? Science is knowledge. Art the application of that... more...

Introduction To prolong human life and to alleviate suffering are the ultimate objects of scientific medicine. The two great branches of the healing art—Medicine and Surgery—are so intimately related that it is impossible to draw a hard-and-fast line between them, but for convenience Surgery may be defined as “the art of treating lesions and malformations of the human body by manual operations,... more...

Chapter I The History of Syphilis Syphilis has a remarkable history, about which it is worth while to say a few words. Many people think of the disease as at least as old as the Bible, and as having been one of the conditions included under the old idea of leprosy. Our growing knowledge of medical history, however, and the finding of new records of the disease, have shown this view to be in all... more...

Getting a Passport. The last day that Rollo spent in Paris, before he set out on his journey into Switzerland, he had an opportunity to acquire, by actual experience, some knowledge of the nature of the passport system. Before commencing the narrative of the adventures which he met with, it is necessary to premise that no person can travel among the different states and kingdoms on the continent of... more...