Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 111-120 results of 1768

Departure from Winter Island.—Meet with some Esquimaux travelling to the Northward.—Obstruction and Danger from the Ice and Tides.—Discovery of the Barrow River, and its Fall.—Favourable Passage to the Northward.—Arrival off the Strait of the Fury and Hecla.—Progress opposed by a fixed barrier of Ice.—Communicate with the Natives of Igloolik.—Unsuccessful Attempt to get between the Ice... more...

CHAPTER I. Passage across the Atlantic.—Enter Davis's Strait.—UnsuccessfulAttempt to penetrate the Ice to the Western Coast.—Voyage up theStrait.—Passage through the Ice to the Western Coast.—Arrivaloff Possession Bay, on the Southern Side of the Entrance into SirJames Lancaster's Sound. In the beginning of May, 1819, the Hecla and Griper were towed down the river; the guns and... more...

INTRODUCTION—MENTAL HEALING "'Tis painful thinking that corrodes our clay."—Armstrong. "Oh, if I could once make a resolution, and determine to be well!"—Walderstein. "The body and the mind are like a jerkin and a jerkin's lining, rumple the one and you rumple the other."—Sterne. "I find, by experience, that the mind and the body are more than married, for... more...

INTRODUCTION The object of these essays is to trace back to its source, or to some of its sources—for the soul of France is far too complex to be measured by one system—the spirit of gallantry which inspired the young French officers at the beginning of the war. We cannot examine too minutely, or with too reverent an enthusiasm, the effort of our great ally, and in this theme for our admiration... more...

THE FIRST DIALOGUE PHILONOUS. Good morrow, Hylas: I did not expect to find you abroad so early. HYLAS. It is indeed something unusual; but my thoughts were so taken up with a subject I was discoursing of last night, that finding I could not sleep, I resolved to rise and take a turn in the garden. PHIL. It happened well, to let you see what innocent and agreeable pleasures you lose every morning. Can... more...

PREFACE. This book was prepared by instruction of the Norwich Public Library Committee, and it is now published as a souvenir of the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the present Public Library, which will take place on March 16th, 1917.  Norwich occupies a unique place in the history of libraries: it has the distinction of having established in 1608 one of the earliest provincial public... more...

EDUCATION. Now that I have given away the certificates it will be expected that I should make a few remarks on that inexhaustible subject, Education. My remarks will be brief. I take this opportunity of explaining to our visitors the nature of the Higher Certificate examination. It is an examination instituted originally to test the efficiency of the highest forms of our public schools, and to enable... more...

INTRODUCTORY LETTER. To my Classmates in Theology. Dear Brethren in Christ:—Few periods of our lives can be called to mind with so much ease and distinctness, as the years which we spent together in theological studies. The events of that short season, and the sentiments we then indulged, are clothed with a freshness and interest which the lapse of time cannot efface. Among the questions that... more...

THOUGHTS ON A REVELATION. Few persons can have observed attentively the various phases of public opinion on religious subjects during the last twenty years or more, without noticing a growing tendency to the accumulation of difficulties on the subject of Revelation.  Geology, ethnology, mythical interpretation, critical investigation, and inquiries of other kinds, have raised their several... more...

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS. M. Antoninus was born at Rome, A.D. 121, on the 26th of April. His father, Annius Verus, died while he was praetor. His mother was Domitia Calvilla, also named Lucilla. The Emperor T. Antoninus Pius married Annia Galeria Faustina, the sister of Annius Verus, and was consequently the uncle of M. Antoninus. When Hadrian adopted Antoninus Pius and declared... more...