Law Books

Showing: 11-16 results of 16

by: Anonymous
I.—PRELIMINARY. 1. [Short Title.] This Act may be cited as The British North America Act, 1867. 2. [Application of Provisions referring to the Queen.] The Provisions of this Act referring to Her Majesty the Queen extend also to the Heirs and Successors of Her Majesty, Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 3. [Declaration of Union] It shall be lawful for the Queen, by... more...

by: Canada
1. The Schedule of a Party sets out the reservations taken by that Party, pursuant to Articles 1108(1) and 1206(2), with respect to existing, non-conforming measures that derogate from an obligation relating to:      (a) national treatment, pursuant to Article 1102 (Investment) or 1202 (Services);      (b) most-favored-nation treatment, pursuant to Article 1103 (Investment) or 1203... more...

CHAPTER I "It was to a noise like thunder, and close clasped in a soldier's embrace, that Catherine I. made her first appearance in Russian history." History, indeed, contains few chapters more strange, more seemingly impossible, than this which tells the story of the maid-of-all-work—the red-armed, illiterate peasant-girl who, without any dower of beauty or charm, won the idolatry of an... more...

1. Preliminary Statement This case challenges an act of Congress that makes the use of filtering software by public libraries a condition of the receipt of federal funding. The Internet, as is well known, is a vast, interactive medium based on a decentralized network of computers around the world. Its most familiar feature is the World Wide Web (the "Web"), a network of computers known as... more...

CHAPTER I COMMON SENSE FARMING The three things essential to all wealth production are land, labor, and capital. "The dry land" was created before there appeared the man, the laborer, to work it. With his bare hands the worker could have done nothing with the land either as a grazer, a farmer or a miner. From the very first he needed capital, that is, the tools to work the land. The first tool... more...

Before I begin a course of lectures on a science of great extent and importance, I think it my duty to lay before the public the reasons which have induced me to undertake such a labour, as well as a short account of the nature and objects of the course which I propose to deliver. I have always been unwilling to waste in unprofitable inactivity that leisure which the first years of my profession... more...