Family & Relationships Books

Showing: 31-40 results of 57

INTRODUCTION. The "Woman Question" will not be put to silence. It demands an answer of Western legislators. It besets college faculties. It pursues veteran politicians to the fastnesses of so-called National Conventions. Under the sacred sounding-boards of New England pulpits has its voice been heard, and its unexpected ally, the London Saturday Review, introduces it to the good society of... more...

“Girls, come to order!” shouted Hilda Bretherton in a somewhat disorderly tone. “How can we come to order without a president?” queried a rosy-cheeked, roly-poly damsel answering to the name of Puddy Kennett. “I elect Prue Shaftsbury!” screamed Hilda above the merry din of voices. “You can't elect—you simply nominate,” said Prue. “I second the motion,” said Nannie Branscome,... more...

Wenn du sagst, dass alles, was geschieht, Gerechtigkeit ist, wirst du keine Fragen mehr haben. Dennoch sind die Menschen auf der Suche nach Gerechtigkeit und wünschen sich gleichzeitig die Befreiung. Das ist widersprüchlich. Du kannst nicht beides haben. Wo Fragen aufhören beginnt die Befreiung. In dieser unserer Wissenschaft, genannt Akram Vignan (das stufenlose Wissen des Selbst), bleiben keine... more...

Entre a infinidade de relações na vida, aquela entre um Guru e um discípulo é a mais sagrada e única. No livro "Guru e Discípulo", Gnani Purush ( personificação do Autoconhecimento) Dada Bhagwan fornece uma visão da natureza da relação Guru-discípulo e oferece respostas profundas a perguntas como: "Quais são as definições de guru e discípulo? Como um Guru é necessário na... more...

Wie kann Frieden herrschen? Um Frieden zu schaffen, musst du Dharma (Religion, Pflichten, moralischer Verhaltenskodex) verstehen. Du solltest allen zu Hause sagen: "Wir sind nicht die Feinde des anderen; niemand sollte Streit mit dem anderen haben. Es gibt keinen Grund, Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu haben. Lasst uns das, was wir haben, miteinander teilen,und lasst uns glücklich sein." So solltet... more...

The Wedding Ring. THE CHOICE OF A WIFE. "Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines?"—Judges 14:3. Samson, the giant, is here asking consent of his father and mother to marriage with one whom they thought unfit for him. He was wise in asking their counsel, but not wise in rejecting it.... more...

Making the House a Home We have been building a home for the last fifteen years, but it begins to look now as though it will not be finished for many years to come. This is not because the contractors are slow, or the materials scarce, or because we keep changing our minds. Rather it is because it takes years to build a home, whereas a house can be builded in a few months. Mother and I started this... more...

CHAPTER I. TAKING A VIEW OF THE SITUATION. Our problem is this: How may woman enjoy the delights of culture, and at the same time fulfil her duties to family and household? Perhaps it is not assuming too much to say, that, in making known the existence of such a problem, we have already taken the first step toward its solution, just as a ship's crew in distress take the first step toward relief by... more...

CHAPTER I 1812-1833“Allons! after the Great Companions! and to belong to them!” “To know the universe itself as a road—as many roads—asroads for travelling souls.”  The Most Exquisite Romance of Modern Life—Ancestry and Youth of Robert Browning—Love of Music—Formative Influences—The Fascination of Byron—A Home “Crammed with Books”—The Spell of... more...

by: A. Marsh
INTRODUCTION he Restoration brought back to England something more than a king and the theatre. It renewed in English life the robust vitality of humour which had been repressed under the Commonwealth—though, in spite of repression, there were, even among the Puritan divines, men like the author of Joanereidos, whose self-expression ran the whole gamut from freedom to licentiousness. It is a curious... more...