Business & Economics
Business & Economics Books
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CHAPTER I CHOOSING A PLACE TO LIVE Blessed indeed are they who are free to choose where and how they shall live. Still more blessed are they who give abundant thought to their choice, for they may not wear the sackcloth of discomfort nor scatter the ashes of burned money. Most of us have a theory of what the home should be, but it is stowed away with the wedding gifts of fine linen that are cherished...
Herbert Kaufman
Newspaper advertising is to business, what hands are to a clock. It is a direct and certain means of letting the public know what you are doing. In these days of intense and vigilant commercial contest, a dealer who does not advertise is like a clock that has no hands. He has no way of recording his movements. He can no more expect a twentieth century success with nineteenth century methods, than he...
Albert Shaw
THE FOUNDER'S PREFACE Despite all that can still be said against trade practices, against the business lies that are told, the false weights and measures that are used, the trade frauds to which the public is subjected, we are nearer a high commercial standard than ever before in the world's history. Man's confidence in man is greater than ever before, the commercial loss through fraud...
It is no foolish desire to make a vain display of citations, that induces us, at the beginning of this essay, intended to point out the results of the application of a new method to the study of Political Economy, to invoke the authority of a poet and moralist, of a jurisconsult and of a philosopher. The writer finds in the words just quoted the loftiest expression of the thought which dictates these...
In the book “Noble Use of Money”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains that best charity means to offer happiness to others, for “when you give happiness to others, you get happiness in return”. Dadashri explains that, among the many ways to be happier, the simplest way to “buy happiness” is giving away money, especially in the form of anonymous donations....
MORALS IN TRADE AND COMMERCE The most beautiful thing about youth is its power and eagerness to make ideals, and he is unfortunate who goes out into the world without some picture of services to be rendered, or of a goal to be attained. There are very few of us who, at some time or another, have not cherished these ideals, perhaps secretly and half ashamed as though to us alone had come an inspiration...
Walter Bagehot
CHAPTER I. Introductory. I venture to call this Essay 'Lombard Street,' and not the 'Money Market,' or any such phrase, because I wish to deal, and to show that I mean to deal, with concrete realities. A notion prevails that the Money Market is something so impalpable that it can only be spoken of in very abstract words, and that therefore books on it must always be exceedingly...
Taha Atef
Are you ready to unleash your voice and build a podcast empire? "How to Make a Podcast with 1 Million Subscribers" is your ultimate roadmap to podcasting success. Whether you're a complete novice or have dabbled in audio content before, this comprehensive guide will take you from zero to podcast hero. Inside these pages, you'll discover: A foolproof, step by step process to launch your...
Lastsummer, when we reached California for a year's sojourn, we had the good fortune to secure a house with a splendid garden. A few weeks ago, after the early warm days of a California February had opened up the first blossoms of the season, our little five-year-old discovered that the garden furnished a fine outlet for her enterprise, and she soon produced two gorgeous—I will not say...
Geld hat in unserem Leben eine eigene Bedeutung. Die Welt betrachtet Geld und Reichtum als eines der wichtigsten Dinge im Leben. Die Menschen haben mehr Liebe zum Geld, weil es in allem, was sie tun, benötigt wird. Deshalb gibt es überall auf der Welt einen Kampf um mehr Geld, durch ethische oder unethische Mittel. Die Menschen fühlen sich durch die ungleiche Verteilung von Geld und Reichtum besorgt....