Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 1491-1500 results of 1768

I THE WIDOW HO One day in the early dawn, a distinguished mandarin was leaving the temple of the City God. It was his duty to visit this temple on the first and fifteenth of the moon, whilst the city was still asleep, to offer incense and adoration to the stern-looking figure enshrined within. This mandarin was Shih-Kung, and a juster or more upright official did not exist in all the fair provinces of... more...

On Two Sides of the Eastern Seas It is three days’ easy journey from Japan to China. It is doubtful whether anywhere in the world another journey of the same length brings with it such a complete change of political temper and belief. Certainly it is greater than the alteration perceived in journeying directly from San Francisco to Shanghai. The difference is not one in customs and modes of life;... more...

Read at the Crowning of the Serra Statue, Monterey, Nov. 23, 1913. The fickle world ofttimes applauds the riseOf men whose laurels are but vainly won,Whose deeds their names could not immortalizeFor their soul-toils were wrought for transient ends;But heroes of the Cross, they truly greatShall live, their halo shall no hand of fate Have power to rob, albeit oblivious yearsMay veil the radiance of their... more...

THE CLEVER KID TIME: this morning. PLACE: a pasture. GRAY WOLF.WHITE WOLF.KID. [The GRAY WOLF and the WHITE WOLF are standing at the foot of a hill; at the top of the hill is a KID.] GRAY WOLF. Look, brother, there is a kid! WHITE WOLF. Where? Where? GRAY WOLF. On that hill to the south. WHITE WOLF. I do not see her. GRAY WOLF. She is on the very top. WHITE WOLF. Ah, now I see her! GRAY WOLF. I wish we... more...

CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND THEIR ILLUSTRATORS. BY GLEESON WHITE.There are some themes that by their very wealth of suggestion appal the most ready writer. The emotions which they arouse, the mass of pleasant anecdote they recall, the ghosts of far-off delights they summon, are either too obvious to be worth the trouble of description or too evanescent to be expressed in dull prose. Swift, we are told... more...

CHILD'S STORY OF THE BIBLE CHAPTER I. Away back in the beginning of things God made the sky and the earth we live upon. At first it was all dark, and the earth had no form, but God was building a home for us, and his work went on through six long days, until it was finished as we see it now. On the first day God said, "Let there be light," and the black night turned to gray, and light... more...

CHILDHOOD IN IDEAL TYPES. O child! O new-born denizenOf life’s great city! on thy headThe glory of the morn is shed,Like a celestial benison!Here at the portal thou dost stand,And with thy little handThou openest the mysterious gateInto the future’s undiscovered land.Longfellow. CHAPTER I. If we could gather into one great gallery all the paintings of child-life which the world has ever produced,... more...

CHEERFULNESS AS A LIFE POWER. I. WHAT VANDERBILT PAID FOR TWELVE LAUGHS. William K. Vanderbilt, when he last visited Constantinople, one day invited Coquelin the elder, so celebrated for his powers as a mimic, who happened to be in the city at the time, to give a private recital on board his yacht, lying in the Bosphorus. Coquelin spoke three of his monologues. A few days afterwards Coquelin received... more...

I A BRIEF HISTORY OF LACE Early vestiges in Egypt—Lace found in St. Cuthbert's Tomb (685 A.D.)—Drawn Thread and Cutworks—Venetian Lace—Flanders Lace—French Laces—English Lace. In every other art or craft we can search the history of ages and find some vestiges or beginnings among the earlier civilisations. Possibly owing to the exquisite fragility of Lace, there is a complete absence... more...

THE ROYAL CHARTER FOR INCORPORATING THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. A.D. 1670. CHARLES THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To ALL to whom these Presents shall come, greeting: WHEREAS Our dear and entirely beloved Cousin, Prince Rupert, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria and Cumberland, &c. Christopher, Duke of... more...