Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 1201-1210 results of 1768

A knowledge of the home range and movements of the cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is one of the most important prerequisites for estimating effectively its numbers and managing its populations. By comparing results obtained from different methods, previously used, for determining the size of the home range I have attempted to develop a more valid procedure. The study here reported upon was made on... more...

INTRODUCTION. The Tableaux Vivants may be new to many of our readers, although they have been produced and have been quite popular in Europe, and to some extent in this country. For public or private entertainment, there is nothing which is so interesting and instructive as the tableau. The person most fitted to take charge of a tableau-company is one who is expert at drawing and painting: any one who... more...

Home Geography. LESSON I.POSITION.Lay your hands upon your desk, side by side. Which side shall we call the right side? The left side? Put your hands on the middle of your desk on the side farthest from you. That part is the back of your desk. Think which is the front of your desk. Put your hands on the front of your desk. Who sits on your right hand? On your left? At the desk in front of you? At the... more...

There is not in Scripture a word more distinctly Divine in its origin and meaning than the word holy. There is not a word that leads us higher into the mystery of Deity, nor deeper into the privilege and the blessedness of God’s children. And yet it is a word that many a Christian has never studied or understood. There are not a few who can praise God that during the past twenty years the watchword... more...

CHAPTER I HOLBEIN'S PERIOD, PARENTAGE, ANDEARLY WORKHistorical epoch and antecedents—Special conditions and character of early Christian art—Ideals and influence of the monk—Holbein's relation to mediæval schools—His father, uncle, and Augsburg home—Probable dates for his birth and his father's death—Troubles and dispersion of the Augsburg household—From Augsburg to... more...

Hochelagans and Mohawks; A Link in Iroquois History. By W. D. Lighthall, M.A., F.R.S.L. (Presented by John Reade and read May 26, 1899.) The exact origin and first history of the race whose energy so stunted the growth of early Canada and made the cause of France in America impossible, have long been wrapped in mystery. In the days of the first white settlements the Iroquois are found leagued as the... more...

Chief Industry.—Mining is the chief industry of California. It employs more men and pays larger average wages than any other branch of physical labor. Although it has been gradually decreasing in the amount of its production, in the profits to the individuals engaged in it, and in its relative importance in the business of the state, it is yet and will long continue to be the largest source of our... more...

A REVIEW OF THIS WORK, Occupying nearly four columns, appeared in the New York Tribune of Dec. 30th, 1879, from which the following is extracted. "It embraces the time from the accession of Francis I. in 1515, to the death of Charles IX. in 1574, at which epoch the doctrines of the Reformation had become well-grounded in France, and the Huguenots had outgrown the feebleness of infancy and stood as... more...

THE FIRST CIVIL WAR.Inconsistencies of the Edict of January.The Edict of January was on its very face a compromise, and as such rested on no firm foundation. Inconsistent with itself, it fully satisfied neither Huguenot nor Roman Catholic. The latter objected to the toleration which the edict extended; the former demanded the unrestricted freedom of worship which it denied. If the existence of two... more...

Andrew J. Blackbird, the author of this little book, is an educated Indian, son of the Ottawa Chief. His Indian name is Mack-aw-de-be-nessy (Black Hawk), but he generally goes by the name of "Blackbird," taken from the interpretation of the French "L'Oiseau noir." Mr. Blackbird's wife is an educated and intelligent white woman of English descent, and they have four children.... more...