Non-Classifiable Books

Showing: 1021-1030 results of 1768

TIRED CHURCH MEMBERS I suppose one never goes heartily into any bit of Bible study, without finding more than one counted upon. And so for me, searching out this subject of Christian amusements some curious things have come to light. As for instance, how very little the Bible says about them at all. It was hard to find catchwords under which to look. "Amusement"? there is no such word among all... more...

INTRODUCTORY MY father and mother, Lord and Lady Yu Keng, and family, together with our suite consisting of the First Secretary, Second Secretary, Naval and Military Attaches, Chancellors, their families, servants, etc.,—altogether fifty-five people,—arrived in Shanghai on January 2, 1903, on the S.S. "Annam" from Paris, where for four years my father had been Chinese Minister. Our arrival... more...

by: W. Watson
INTRODUCTION. HE Cactus family is not popular among English horticulturists in these days, scarcely half a dozen species out of about a thousand known being considered good enough to be included among favourite garden plants. Probably five hundred kinds have been, or are, in cultivation in the gardens of the few specialists who take an interest in Cactuses; but these are practically unknown in English... more...

PREFACE It is a matter of some regret to me that I have been so far unable to continue the series of studies on the French Revolution of which The Chevalier de Boufflers and The French Revolution, a Study in Democracy formed the first two volumes. But the state of the world at the end of the Great War seemed to demand an enquiry into the present phase of the revolutionary movement, hence my attempt to... more...

A DIALOGUE CONCERNING ORATORY, OR THE CAUSES OF CORRUPT ELOQUENCE. . General introduction, with the reasons for writing an account of the following discourse. . The persons engaged in the dialogue; at first, Curiatius Maternus, Julius Secundus, and Marcus Aper. . Secundus endeavours to dissuade Maternus from thinking any more of dramatic composition. . Maternus gives his reasons for persisting. . Aper... more...

PREFACE This volume, which is intended as a supplement to the work which we published in 1895, gives a brief account of researches which have been subsequently published, as well as of certain of our own investigations, the results of which are now for the first time recorded. We have not attempted to give the subject-matter the form of a connected record. The contributions to the study of... more...

Home Geography. LESSON I.POSITION.Lay your hands upon your desk, side by side. Which side shall we call the right side? The left side? Put your hands on the middle of your desk on the side farthest from you. That part is the back of your desk. Think which is the front of your desk. Put your hands on the front of your desk. Who sits on your right hand? On your left? At the desk in front of you? At the... more...

I. [Footnote 1: This section may be omitted, and the lessons begun with Seedlings, if the teacher prefer.] What is Botany? The pupils are very apt to say at first that it is learning about flowers. The teacher can draw their attention to the fact that flowers are only a part of the plant, and that Botany is also the study of the leaves, the stem, and the root. Botany is the science of plants. Ask them... more...

CHAPTER I Long, long ago there lived far away in India a woodcutter called Subha Datta and his family, who were all very happy together. The father went every day to the forest near his home to get supplies of wood, which he sold to his neighbours, earning by that means quite enough to give his wife and children all that they needed. Sometimes he took his three boys with him, and now and then, as a... more...

I. Egyptian Looms. HORIZONTAL LOOMS. IN the tomb of Chnem-hotep, at Beni Hasan, there is a wall painting of a horizontal loom with two weavers, women, squatting on either side, and at the right in the background is drawn the figure of the taskmaster. There are also figures represented in the act of spinning, etc. For the present we are concerned with the weaving only. Fig. 1.—Horizontal Loom, Tomb of... more...