General Books

INTRODUCTION A Threefold Aim.—This book is based upon three theses—namely, first, that the monogamic, private, family is a priceless inheritance from the past and should be preserved; second, that in order to preserve it many of its inherited customs and mechanisms must be modified to suit new social demands; and third, that present day experimentation and idealistic effort already indicate certain... more...

For those wondering how to lead a spiritual life, Pure Love emerges as an essential value. Naturally one begins inquiring into the ultimate meaning of love, true love, and unconditional love. Other questions may also arise, such as: To cultivate unconditional love, is forgiveness required? If so, how can I learn to practice forgiveness prayer? In the context of unconditional love, what is marriage? Can... more...

Making the House a Home We have been building a home for the last fifteen years, but it begins to look now as though it will not be finished for many years to come. This is not because the contractors are slow, or the materials scarce, or because we keep changing our minds. Rather it is because it takes years to build a home, whereas a house can be builded in a few months. Mother and I started this... more...

Hast du die verschiedenen Konflikte, die in deinem Leben auftreten, satt? Fragst du dich, warum diese Konflikte immer wiederkehren? Das Ergebnis kann alles sein. Alles, was du tun musst, ist die Absicht zu haben, Konflikte, die im Alltag auftreten, zu lösen. Treffe die Entscheidung, tägliche Interaktionen mit Menschen mit Gleichmut zu begleichen, ohne dir darüber Gedanken zu machen, ob es dir... more...

Among the myriad of relationships in life, the one between a Guru and disciple is most sacred and unique. In the book “Guru and Disciple”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides insight into the nature of the Guru-disciple relationship and offers in-depth answers to questions like: “What are definitions of Guru, and disciple? How is a Guru necessary in spiritual... more...

It is said that parenting is the most important role in life, as well as the one for which there is the least amount of preparation! It is only natural to wonder how to be a good parent, to seek parenting advice, or to inquire into how to discipline children. Parenting teenagers requires the strongest parenting skills – and an almost endless supply of parenting tips. In the book “Generation gap”,... more...

There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. In painful circumstances, we naturally question, “Why me? Am I wrong? It’s not my fault!” Such situations may feel like the very definition of suffering. In the book “Fault is of the Sufferer”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual solutions to common and... more...

La salpicaduras que vamos dejando en la vida diaria deben de ser limpiadas ¿Por qué vamos a echar todo a perder con tanto conflicto? Los conflictos no nos valen de nada. La gente se lleva por las señales de tráfico, que son normas estrictas de circulación. No van por ahí conduciendo según su propia interpretación o ¿no es así? Precisamente por seguir estas normas, se evitan muchos accidentes.... more...

Anger management is a popular and necessary topic in today’s world. In dealing with difficult people, in our family relationships, or in facing marriage problems, we simply do not know how to deal with anger! When dealing with anger, we may wonder, “Am I right?” or “How can I make myself understood?” Some of our relationships can be said to be the very definition of conflict! Lacking conflict... more...

Life requires continuous adjustment in relation to unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. In everyday situations (such as opening an umbrella in the rain, or wearing a jacket in the cold) we generally don’t resist these required adjustments. However, when dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, in family relationships, or in the midst of marriage problems, adjustments become... more...