Family & Relationships Books

Showing: 41-50 results of 57

A while ago I came across a newspaper clipping—a recipe written by a Baltimore lady—that had long lain dormant in my desk. It ran as follows: “A great many husbands are spoiled by mismanagement. Some women go about it as if their husbands were bladders, and blow them up; others keep them constantly in hot water; others let them freeze, by their carelessness and indifference. Some keep them in a... more...

Over the course of life, even in happy homes, it is only natural to encounter marriage problems. But, for some, the husband and wife relationship can be said to be the very definition of conflict! In the book “Harmony in Marriage”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual relationship tips related to maintaining a harmonious marriage. He offers marriage advice in... more...

Wie kann Frieden herrschen? Um Frieden zu schaffen, musst du Dharma (Religion, Pflichten, moralischer Verhaltenskodex) verstehen. Du solltest allen zu Hause sagen: "Wir sind nicht die Feinde des anderen; niemand sollte Streit mit dem anderen haben. Es gibt keinen Grund, Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu haben. Lasst uns das, was wir haben, miteinander teilen,und lasst uns glücklich sein." So solltet... more...

Ao longo da vida, mesmo em lares felizes, é natural encontrar problemas no casamento. Mas, para alguns, pode-se dizer que o relacionamento entre marido e mulher é a própria definição de conflito! No livro "Harmony in Marriage" (Harmonia no casamento), Gnani Purush (personificação do autoconhecimento) Dada Bhagwan fornece dicas de relacionamento espiritual relacionadas à manutenção de... more...

Among the myriad of relationships in life, the one between a Guru and disciple is most sacred and unique. In the book “Guru and Disciple”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides insight into the nature of the Guru-disciple relationship and offers in-depth answers to questions like: “What are definitions of Guru, and disciple? How is a Guru necessary in spiritual... more...

Wenn du ein Freund deiner Kinder wirst, wird sich die Eltern-Kind-Beziehung verbessern. Wenn du jedoch deine Autorität als Eltern geltend machst, riskierst du, sie zu verlieren. Deine Freundschaft sollte so sein, dass das Kind nicht anderswo nach Trost und Führung sucht. Starke Eltern sind diejenigen, denen es gelingt, das Verhalten ihrer Kinder durch Liebe und Verständnis zu verändern, auch dann,... more...

It is said that parenting is the most important role in life, as well as the one for which there is the least amount of preparation! It is only natural to wonder how to be a good parent, to seek parenting advice, or to inquire into how to discipline children. Parenting teenagers requires the strongest parenting skills – and an almost endless supply of parenting tips. In the book “Generation gap”,... more...

There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. In painful circumstances, we naturally question, “Why me? Am I wrong? It’s not my fault!” Such situations may feel like the very definition of suffering. In the book “Fault is of the Sufferer”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual solutions to common and... more...

La salpicaduras que vamos dejando en la vida diaria deben de ser limpiadas ¿Por qué vamos a echar todo a perder con tanto conflicto? Los conflictos no nos valen de nada. La gente se lleva por las señales de tráfico, que son normas estrictas de circulación. No van por ahí conduciendo según su propia interpretación o ¿no es así? Precisamente por seguir estas normas, se evitan muchos accidentes.... more...

Diz-se que a parentalidade é o papel mais importante na vida, bem como aquele para o qual há menos preparação! É natural perguntar-se como ser um bom pai, procurar conselhos parentais, ou perguntar como disciplinar as crianças. A parentalidade dos adolescentes requer as mais fortes habilidades parentais - e uma oferta quase infinita de dicas parentais. No livro "Generation gap", Gnani... more...