Humorous Stories Books

I. ELIZABETH ELIZA WRITES A PAPER. Elizabeth Eliza joined the Circumambient Club with the idea that it would be a long time before she, a new member, would have to read a paper. She would have time to hear the other papers read, and to see how it was done; and she would find it easy when her turn came. By that time she would have some ideas; and long before she would be called upon, she would have... more...

This is Little White Barbara. She was called Little White Barbara because she had such a white face. She lived with her two aunts, Aunt Dosy and Aunt Posy. This is Aunt Dosy. This is Aunt Posy. They were very kind to her. All day long they used to talk about what she ought to do to get fat and rosy. Every morning Aunt Dosy gave Little White Barbara cod liver oil to make her fat. And Aunt Posy rubbed... more...